Posted on Dec 16, 2015
Sgt Mathew Meyer
Anonymous Minnesota "Marine" and atheist commences lawsuit to remove "In God We Trust" from our currency. Lawsuit commenced December 15, 2015. What do you think? Lawsuit is here:
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Responses: 70
TSgt Kerry Hardy
Edited 9 y ago
Way to go Marine!!!! In god we trust was added to our money by 1956 congress to fight the godless commies!!!! If you take the time to do some research you will find out that US wasn't founded on christianity but on freedom of religion which covers from religion as well. If you want to read about your god do it in your church!
CPT Pedro Meza
CPT Pedro Meza
9 y
MCPO (Join to see) - So where do you stand with the Syrian Refugee? Do you have Compassion or fear.
TSgt Kerry Hardy
TSgt Kerry Hardy
9 y
Both! I have compassion for their plight but Pairs proves that a fefugee can be a terrorist....
MCPO Couch Potato
MCPO (Join to see)
9 y
Let's see... Middle Eastern refugees looking for room at the inn...

Yeah, even as a damned atheist, I have compassion. I have more fear of Americans in suits than refugees in thobes.
MSgt Earl King
MSgt Earl King
>1 y
TSgt Kerry Hardy - Ok, I get you comment about fefuggee's but what is your opinion on refugees?
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SGT Jerrold Pesz
If he doesn't want currency with the motto on it I will be glad to take it off of his hands. No one is forcing him to take it or to read what it says on it. People who file lawsuits like this are mostly assholes and idiots.
LCpl Donald Hall
LCpl Donald Hall
9 y
Yes Sgt. and this country has to many;each county in the
usa should have gallows, then this crap would stop!!!
Love it or LEAVE
2LT Infantry Officer
2LT (Join to see)
4 y
Would you want the New York State flag or old glory flying above the 911 Memorial to say "Allah Akbar" on it? Same thing. Or doesn't belong there.
MSgt Earl King
MSgt Earl King
>1 y
Typical 2LT comment!!
Maj John Bell
Maj John Bell
>1 y
2LT (Join to see) - I don't give a rip if "In God we trust" is on the currency or not. But no, a flag with "Allah Akbar" on it fling over the September 11, memorials is not the same thing.
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Sgt Mathew Meyer
I think the problem many have with the First Amendment is that it provides for "Freedom OF religion" not "Freedom FROM religion." That is what the liberals have a difficult time understanding. They view the 1st as "prohibiting" speech about religion (or at least Christianity), and allowing any other speech, no matter how offensive. Thus, we have schools prohibiting christians, or other religions, from using their facilities, while any other groups, including atheists, are allowed to. Any political speech is allowed, UNLESS it is about GOD!!! In which case it is prohibited. That is NOT what the First Amendment is about, or what it was intended as. The First was not about LIMITING religious speech, it was about preserving it.
CPT Pedro Meza
CPT Pedro Meza
9 y
Just remember that Jesus was Jewish and the bible was written at the request of the last Roman emperor 385 AD. Interesting that I see many Atheist practicing the lesson of the Jewish Man named Jesus yet those that claim religion hide behind the bible.
CPO Lenny Orth
CPO Lenny Orth
9 y
Cpl Benjamin Long - yet it happens...
MSgt Earl King
MSgt Earl King
>1 y
I can't believe you got 16 ups for that bull!!
MSgt Earl King
MSgt Earl King
>1 y
Just more white washing, it's FROM Religion!
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