A strange thing happened to me and several SSGs in my unit. We came down on CONUS TSC orders (which I didn't know was a thing) to fulfill a TRAP mission with thru- dates that were almost two years past our ETS dates.
Isn't there a rule... in a book of rules somewhere... that says a Soldier cannot be put on an assignment that passes their ETS date? Isn't this what that whole stop-loss thing was about? ... because we were basically given an option to go indef to fulfill these orders or sign a dec statement and get out.
I need an Admin person to chime in here. My Google-Fu has failed to produce an answer.
Isn't there a rule... in a book of rules somewhere... that says a Soldier cannot be put on an assignment that passes their ETS date? Isn't this what that whole stop-loss thing was about? ... because we were basically given an option to go indef to fulfill these orders or sign a dec statement and get out.
I need an Admin person to chime in here. My Google-Fu has failed to produce an answer.
Edited >1 y ago
Posted >1 y ago
Responses: 6
This happens all the time for the exact reason you stated. It forces you to show your cards and extend to take it or dec.
The Air Force used to do this all the time as a force management tool. They would give you an assignment with three options: Take the assignment and re-enlist now, elect to separate at the end of your current enlistment, or retire if you can.
SGT Nia Chiaraluce
That is exactly what I think is happening. I have watched several of my peers go through this in the last fiscal year. One had less than a year left on his contract.
What about asking your CSM to contact your Branch Manager. (You can also contact the Branch Manager!) I used to keep that number in the front page of my smart book.
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