Posted on Dec 6, 2020
As an 88M reclassing to 35L what are some studying tips to help me get through AIT smoothly?
I leave for 35L school soon and I am trying to study the reading material i was given. It’s hard to hold on to the information I’m reading. I’ve been in the Army as an 88M for 8 years now and really haven’t had to study or write due to it being more of a hands on job. I want to be successful in AIT Any tips would be great. Thank you!
Posted >1 y ago
Responses: 7

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Take it all in. As much as you can. All the pre reading material that was given to you will be taught in the first couple of weeks. In the mean time just got familiarized with it. Once your in, pay attention on your report writing. Practice, practice, practice. Each paper you'll do will be marked with red ink. Don't let that discourage you. Use that as an advantage for your next paper.
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