Posted on Jul 20, 2014
SGT Andrew Hosford
Hi all. I was recently asked to wear my dress uniform to a wedding for an active duty friend. AR670-1 states this is an approved event for a veteran. However, I got out right as the Army was transitioning to the Blues only and didn't see the point in buying a new uniform since I got out while the Greens were still authorized. Got a few specific questions:

1) Can I wear the Greens to this wedding?
2) I was Airborne qualified and was honorably discharged from an Airborne unit, would I wear jump boots and the maroon beret with the flash and unit insignia from my last active unit, or the standard class A shoes and the black beret? If black beret, what unit insignia?
3) At my time of discharge my unit wore the Presidential Unit Citation and Valorous Unit Award with Bronze Oak Leaf Cluster. I assume I would remove these as they were awarded prior to my time with the unit. Correct?

Posted in these groups: Ccredberet BeretUs medals Awards
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Responses: 22
CMDCM Gene Treants
Unless Army is vastly different than Navy, you may wear the Uniform you were authorized to wear at the time you were last discharged. Veterans and Retired personnel are not expected to maintain a uptodate Sea Bag (or whatever the Army calls it). That is assuming it still fits.
CMDCM Gene Treants
CMDCM Gene Treants
7 y
SSG Jeffrey Monk - My Canon sometmes makes Artilery jealous.
SSG Jeffrey Monk
SSG Jeffrey Monk
7 y
CMDCM Gene Treants As an Infantryman I can tell you I've trained with several Marine FO's and as lowly riflemen we are in awe of the mythical power of Naval Gunfire and it's ability to knock grid squares right off a brand new map.
CMDCM Gene Treants
CMDCM Gene Treants
7 y
SSG Jeffrey Monk - but then again I have a very powerful Canon
SSG Jeffrey Monk
SSG Jeffrey Monk
7 y
Thanks I needed a good laugh today.
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LTC Paul Labrador
According to 670-1, Chp23-4, honorably discharged vets are authorized wear of the uniform only if they served during wartime (which I assume you did if you ETS'd during the uniform transition).

1) Greens are no longer authorized as of the end of FY15. However, no one really wears them anymore, so if there are other military at this wedding, they may question it. But, since you are no longer in the army, you really can't get in trouble.

2) Jump boots and maroon beret are organizational wear while assigned in a jump slot. You are no longer authorized to wear them. Since this is a wedding, headgear usually isn't worn anyways unless you were participating in a sword arc. But again refer to #1.

3) Unit awards are worn either temporary or permanent. Temporary wear is only while you are assigned to the unit. Permanent wear is authorized if you were assigned to the unit when the citation was awarded. So if you deployed with a unit and were a member when the PUC or VUA was awarded, it's permanent wear and should reflect on your DD214.
LTC Chief Of Public Affairs And Protocol
LTC (Join to see)
10 y
I see no issue wearing the uniform to a wedding; if that is the theme of the wedding.

As for the "hey, look at me" , that was in specific reference to a PX Hero. If its an appropriate occasion and you choose to wear the uniform, wear it with PRIDE.

If someone happens to see me in ASU and you want to call me out on something I am wearing, I can justify and fully explain everything on it.
CW3 Network Architect
CW3 (Join to see)
>1 y
Which is why, LTC Tongret, the OP was asking questions prior to acting. You posted about attention-seekers, but the OP clearly stated he was ASKED by either the groom or the bride to wear his uniform to a WEDDING. It is clearly a special occasion, and he's clearly not an attention seeker.

Can you shed some light about why you clearly ignored his original post and assumed the worst?
SGT Journeyman Plumber
SGT (Join to see)
>1 y
CW3 (Join to see) Perhaps he was just giving his opinion about wearing a uniform in public generally? He specifically said "unless it's a very special occasion" which I would imagine this wedding qualifies as. My personal opinion is that I agree with him, and that you're digging too much into it.

SGT Andrew Hosford As you mentioned in your post above I would make sure you told the bride and groom about your uniform being the dress greens. If they know that your uniform would stick out and don't mind that's one thing, but it may be a detail they haven't thought about. Assuming the wedding hasn't happened yet as this topic is fairly old.
SGT Felicia King
SGT Felicia King
>1 y
Sgt Robertson sounds like a butt kisser. Here's a thought: Why don't you just read the original question and answer accordingly. Nobody cares for two extra cents worth if that wasn't part of the original question.

His question and the answers helped me. As I was wondering if it were ok to wear the Clasd A uniform to a Memorial Day ceremony. It's a coat and tie event, and I didn't have anything dressy. Yet I could actually fit into my uniform. The information helped me: only to wear individual medals and take off unit insignia from beret, wearing the black beret.

Thanks for the info though!
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SSG Squad Leader
If you earned it wear it. There is plenty of people falsely wearing the uniform for personal gain with no repercussions. I wouldn't worry about it your not subject to UCMJ or any legal action for that matter.
Capt Julie McAdoo
Capt Julie McAdoo
10 y
Yes, it was a stand alone sentence, but what you read into it seemed to be colored by a literal interpretation of the preceding sentence, which I took to be tongue in cheek rather than something he felt was a good idea. That made a 180 degree difference in my interpretation of the stand alone sentence making it far less dastardly than yours.

As long as we're all agreed that it isn't okay for anyone to wear the uniform falsely for personal gain, I think we'll all get along quite well.

CW4(P) Detrottus Thomas
CW4(P) Detrottus Thomas
10 y
I personally don't see anything wrong with it. If it was earned they should be allowed to wear it. As long as they don't bring any type of discredit to the Service in which they are representing, I totally support it. I would only ask that they keep a copy of their DD 214 in their pocket just in case (j/k).
SGT William Jackson
SGT William Jackson
10 y
During your out briefings,you should have been briefed that as long as honorable discharged or retired wear of dress uniform is allowed and encouraged at special events ie.. Parades,funerals..etc  so rock what you earned bother or don't personal 
SSG Squad Leader
SSG (Join to see)
10 y
It seems I should clarify my original statement. It was not meant to come out with a apathetic attitude. The statement was made in aggravation to the topic of stolen valor. I felt it went with out saying that if you are going to wear it do so in accordance with AR 670-1.
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