Posted on May 5, 2020
As a prior Marine, is it authorized to wear my marksmanship badges in the Air Force?
Page 46, section (AFI36-2903)
Wear of other services' qualification badges/patches, if earned and awarded,
is authorized if allowed by the applicable services’ guidance. Award criteria for other
services’ qualification badges will be in accordance with awarding Service’s directives.
Temporary qualification badges are not authorized for wear on the uniform.
I didn't see anything in the MCO regarding the badge not being allowed, but I would love to carry forward my past badges if allowed.
Wear of other services' qualification badges/patches, if earned and awarded,
is authorized if allowed by the applicable services’ guidance. Award criteria for other
services’ qualification badges will be in accordance with awarding Service’s directives.
Temporary qualification badges are not authorized for wear on the uniform.
I didn't see anything in the MCO regarding the badge not being allowed, but I would love to carry forward my past badges if allowed.
Posted 5 y ago
Responses: 4
Per the AF pub you referenced it states you are allowed. The last sentence is the most important part.
It states you are allowed to wear qualification badges from other branches as long as it is in compliance with 10.5 and 10.5 states you can't wear more than 4. Chaplain, Aeronautical, Space, Cyberspace, Missile Operations,
Occupational and Qualification Badges and Graduate Patches. No more than a
combined total of three chaplain, aeronautical, space, cyberspace, missile operations,
occupational, or qualification badges and/or graduate patches will be worn on the
wearer‘s left. If worn, ABU cloth badges will be worn. Airmen may wear the badges
of other military services while permanently assigned to units that perform duties
with another military service. Airmen may also continue to wear earned, permanently
awarded Air Force and other services’ qualification badges that meet the criteria in
paragraph 10.5, regardless of duty assignment.
It states you are allowed to wear qualification badges from other branches as long as it is in compliance with 10.5 and 10.5 states you can't wear more than 4. Chaplain, Aeronautical, Space, Cyberspace, Missile Operations,
Occupational and Qualification Badges and Graduate Patches. No more than a
combined total of three chaplain, aeronautical, space, cyberspace, missile operations,
occupational, or qualification badges and/or graduate patches will be worn on the
wearer‘s left. If worn, ABU cloth badges will be worn. Airmen may wear the badges
of other military services while permanently assigned to units that perform duties
with another military service. Airmen may also continue to wear earned, permanently
awarded Air Force and other services’ qualification badges that meet the criteria in
paragraph 10.5, regardless of duty assignment.
2d Lt Austin Adams
Thanks for the extra eyes on it, wanted to make sure I wasn't reading it the way I wanted it to read. It's not much, but I love to call back to the Corps days in my AF Uniform.
SPC Herold Bush
SSgt Christophe Murphy, Is the Marine Marksmanship award a permeant award? or does a Marine have to anuually qualify to maintain the award?
SSgt Christophe Murphy
SPC Herold Bush - It is a Qualification badge that is earned. Quals are generally done on an annual basis for those required unless they are exempted due to status, rank, time in service, etc. Your most recent badge is what you wear.
The various services differ in the extent of their dress uniforms. The Marine Corps has the most extensive uniforms. The Army is close behind. Then comes the Navy. The Air Force has much simpler looking uniforms -- almost approaching civilian clothing. With this tradition in mind I think most Air Force people would consider marksmanship badges to be gaudy. I suspect most Air Force people would consider a member wearing a marksmanship badge to be a little bit strange.
I was under the impression that , a marksmanship badge was based off of the score on your most recent qualification. So, ie to maintain an Expert Marksmanship badge one would have to qualify annually at that level. Wouldn't that mean when your current annual qualification is up that you would either need to requalify to continue wearing the award or stop wearing it? And since you would be in the Air Force you could not longer meet the same qualification standards for that award?
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