Posted on Sep 3, 2019
Capt Daniel Goodman
I've been sending in a good deal of stuff the past month or two now about my having sought to be allowed to volunteer at the VA hospital by us with ongoing research, being VA approved as totally perm disabled...I'd be most grateful for any chance to chat with any VA clinicians about the efforts my wife and I are making to be so allowed, honest. Doesn't matter if doctoral level or not, I'm just looking for dialogue on the whole topic...I'd sent in other threads a few hours ago, where I'd gotten some slight encouragement, though I'd really be most obliged for any further such possible discussion, certainly, many thanks...also, even if not VA, anyone doing any clinical research, I'd really value non-VA thoughts on the whole thing, as well, if at all possible, certainly....
Edited >1 y ago
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Responses: 3
CPT Advisor
Edited >1 y ago
Each VISN has an Education Department that arranges things like student preceptorship, employee continuing education, etc. Each VISN (as far as I know) also has a Research Department. AND, each VISN has a Voluntary Services Department. I believe which one you need to contact depends on your background and intentions.

If you are a looking to conduct research as part of a doctoral dissertation (or some other educational requirement), I would speak with the Education Department. If you would like to be another set of hands, you can speak to the Voluntary Services Department about getting placed with the Research Department as a volunteer. This would obviously be highly dependent on your background and the department's willingness to take you on as a volunteer. If you have a suggestion for a research study, you can contact the Research Department with your idea. Again, while they may listen to your pitch, they would have to be very open-minded to proceed with all the extra work it would take to allow you to conduct any type of study at the VA as a non-employee.

At the end of the day, I think that if you are not a student and/or an employee, then you are not going to get anywhere. You will be battling several things working against you. First, there are likely policies in place that prevent this type of scenario. You are non-affiliated with the VA and would be conducting research on VA patients. There are definitely liability and privacy issues here. Second, you would need VA employees (government employees... ugh) to go above and beyond to make it happen for you. You would have to go through the same background checks, fingerprinting, and credentialing that employees must pass prior to starting... and without the benefit of the VA getting another employee. You better have some amazing credentials to be worth all that. Third, the research department has their own goals and mandate; they likely would not be welcoming to an outsider wanting to use Research Department resources to conduct their own research.

If you would like to get to your ultimate goal, I would consider volunteering in whatever capacity they will have you, just to get your foot in the door. After you get started and get to know the staff, make your intentions known.

Best of luck to you!
Capt Daniel Goodman
Capt Daniel Goodman
>1 y
I appreciate the thoughts...I'm NOT seeking to do my own research, I'm asking to be allowed to volunteer on EXISTING research ongoing at the VA hospital near us...I've reflected about going back for a PhD, we're going over to VA voc-rehab at the hospital this week...I assure you, I have no illusions, however, I cannot do what normal volunteers do...I treated, in all, some 10000 patients, assisted with some 200-300 surgeries...VA voc-rehab, I was told, has ability to appeal for such exceptions as I'm seeking...there's simply no way whatsoever for me to volunteer normally, to start with, I wouldn't fit...I'm a seriously trained allied-health doctor, I can't run lab samples up and down a hallway, get radiology reports, push a magazine cart or wheelchairs, or do other such stuff, no matter how socially redeeming...I perceive your reasoning, my wife gives me the same stuff, I just can't, honest...I've called virtually everybody, incl academic affiliations, the R&D unit at VA Central Ofc (VACO), diversity and inclusion, and a good many other VA subunits...I'm grateful, truly, and I'm not saying this to be difficult, I know you're meaning it to help, however, I simply cannot do what you're suggesting, it's simply not possible for me, I've been the real thing, I can't "play act", no matter the ultimate goal by seeking to be allowed to do so...I'd simply go totally out of my skull from boredom doing it, I wouldn't last a week, honest...if you've got other thoughts, I'd be most eager to hear them, truly, however, that stuff, I just simply can't do, honest, no way, no how....
Capt Daniel Goodman
Capt Daniel Goodman
>1 y
And I did also try the voluntary svcs unit, it basically went totally nowhere, which is why we're gonna let VA voc-rehab handle it through one of their unpaid volunteer/goodwill programs, appealing it as an actual claim to the VARO by us, the BVA if need be as well, and even higher to the CAVC and the other Federal courts, under veterans preference, reasonable accommodation under the ADA, and petitioning for a legal exception to policy, and/or formal request for VA rule change, if at all possible....
CPT Advisor
CPT (Join to see)
>1 y
Capt Daniel Goodman I completely get it. With your experience, I wouldn't want to take several steps back to something I wouldn't find enjoyable. I think you'll have an uphill battle, but I wish you the best of luck and hope it all works out for you!
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SSgt TaShara Williams
I can tell you that you are trying to crack a nut that is not easily (uncrackable). You won’t graduate. You can ask your school to send out a mass email requesting that vets participate through your vet center and then ask your school training director to connect via list-serve to other training directors to do the same using a very brief, well crafted and consideration email, with you doing all of the leg work. The same with your survey! No high ind loose, all peer reviewed, proven research. Proven lit, well utilized surveys that you have asked for permission from each developer to use and your university clearances better be dotted and crossed at all levels, from IRB to each SOB :). Not toy with DOD, VA, unc Sam don’t play. As student in our program caught hell. No longer a student in the program at all. I work vet issues. Doc student myself, do lots of research if you can’t tell. Now, to all reading this, don’t get frisky, steal my leg work, and inundate their cigs with student research. We have to be gentle to the vets taking the surveys and the directors sending it out. Otherwise they won’t send it, and the vets won’t do it. Keep your surveys short. How long will you set and answer a strangers dumb, prying questions. No more than 10-15,20 min top with insensitive. Space it out. Do other research with other populations. Mil Spouses, college students, gen public in your area of interest (trauma, drug dependency, sleep) study different factors, ages, and Facets. Don’t get caught up on one thing and get to rigidly stuck. You want to be a well rounded expert in your field. Not to mention, diversity of knowledge, it’s beautiful. You don’t know what you live till you love it. You May live several areas and rock the hell out of more than one. The VA and DOD conduct their own research intrinsically. So, they are their own research institute os sorts. The collect tons of data every year. In post doc or maybe if you have a doc internship, look for one that actually requires VA research. Then, you have a shot of actually getting ahold of vet info. Being a part of, or Actually leading VA research. I’m in a super big rush so please don’t judge my typos, but I felt you pain. Like very recently.
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SPC Eleanor Harrell
Capt Daniel Goodman
Capt Daniel Goodman
>1 y
I'd looked at NIH stuff seriously while I'd been doing my doctorate, I'd wanted to rotate with them on externship, it was just too expensive to stay nearby there, I could never manage it...UMMS, Im assuming is the Maryland health system, them, I never did anything with, I didn't recognize the acronym and looked it up...I did do online IRB training for one lab I've been dying to volunteer with, we're going over to the VA hospital by us about VA voc-rehab soon, I was gonna mention having done that training, as my license, we had to shut off, as im total perm disabled, that's one of the reasons we've had such aggravation getting me a chance to volunteer with VA, as the research staff, I'd found, are all basically totally paranoid about the whole qualification thing, even though I AM a VA allied-health residency grad, aside from my other several yrs of residency training elsewhere, honest....
Capt Daniel Goodman
Capt Daniel Goodman
>1 y
I'd still certainly be most eager to hear more, if you'd be able to elaborate at all, possibly, whenever you might have any time to send more, most definitely, many thanks....
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