Posted on Feb 7, 2018
SGT Writer
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Responses: 4
1px xxx
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I do not other than advice. If you want a usable sports degree, become an ATC.
SGT Writer
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7 y
MAJ Charles Blake - I was hoping you'd say something similar about the ACE Fitness cert as its free for Vets. Thanks for the truth bombs. I'll need to read up on CSCS more. You know anyone who's done it?
1px xxx
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SGT (Join to see) Lots of people and anyone hired by the Army to work as a S&C coach.
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MAJ Charles Blake - I just realized NASM isn't mentioned here at all. They seem to be legitimate, though.
1px xxx
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7 y
NASM and ACSM offer certifications for stuff, both have pros and cons and both could get you hired at Golds Gym to be a personal trainer. From my knowledge, S&C is a tricky world to navigate where there is no substitute for paying your dues through the collegiate system and being assistant coaches to different head coaches until someone thinks you know enough to hire you as a head coach.

I know nothing about these schools that offer degrees in sports management but I suspect it's a ploy for cheap labor while in graduate school. At least that is what a guy I know experienced in an ACC school...
Kally Alenko
Edited >1 y ago
It is best to study sports while still in school and then go to university if you like it. While you are a child, they can help you say what you do best and what it will give development for a teenager. But the most common sports are football and rugby. It is there that children most often go and afterwards remain in adulthood.
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SGT Chyrone Ragland
No but I got a lot of information on a career in IT.
SGT Writer
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I'm in that already but I'm all ears. Why tease at information? What you got?
SGT Chyrone Ragland
SGT Chyrone Ragland
7 y
MyComputerCareer offers 9 IT certs, lifetime career service, online at nights 2 nights a week. The 9 certs are Network+, A+, Server+, Microsoft Windows 7 Professional Certification, Linux essentials and the 4 Microsoft Technology Associate Fundamental Certs that consist of network, operation systems, mobile and devices and last Security. Give it some thought, think about it, people are working out nowadays by using applications on their smart watch.
SGT Writer
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7 y
SGT Chyrone Ragland - You gotta use the "reply" button to mention and notify someone of a reply inside a comment thread. I just saw this.

Is there a GI Bill calculator or similar feature to see approximate costs?

Is there anyone here who can offer testimonial to the program(s)?
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