Posted on Apr 11, 2014
MAJ Financial Advisor
Occasionally, reserve Soldiers get great opportunities to mobilize for active duty tours in various overseas locations (Germany, Italy, Japan, Korea, etc). Often times these orders are issued 1 year at a time and therefore make it virtually impossible to receive "accompanied" orders. Soldiers spend enough time away from their families as it is, so in the case of a place like Germany, is it feasible / advisable to bring family in a non-command sponsored status? What are the implications or considerations?
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Responses: 3
LTC Principal
I just came off a 1 year tour in Germany and since the orders are pcs orders now it should be easier for them to come over. Just remember when you go over with the family you will lose your BAH because you will have to find something on the economy and it will be taken care of by the housing office over there. There's a reserve office at USAREUR that handles all mobilized reservist and they can give you all the details. My wife is a school teacher, so she came over during the breaks and the entire summer. I was lucky that another officer was going to ILE during the summer and he let us use his house for that time. It would have cost me almost $5000 just for the summer if I tried to rent a furnished apartment.
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BG Dep. Director, Military Programs
Another factor to consider is the SOFA agreement.  I have experience with this in Korea, not Germany, but it should be similar.  If your spouse is not command-sponsored, she will not get the normal benefits afforded spouses such as Commissary, PX and, more importantly, health.  I have seen it done, but a little research on your part can avoid some headaches when you are there.
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MAJ Financial Advisor
Though I haven't found anything specific from the Army side of the house yet, this link discusses this situation from a Marine Corps Reserve perspective and indicates in Para 3 (a) that Non-Command Sponsored Dependents in Germany qualify for the SOFA stamp in their passports just like command-sponsored ones. Any one have any validation of this? Also, does the Commissary / PX in Germany require more than the standard Military Dependent ID Card for dependents and spouses?
LTC Principal
LTC (Join to see)
>1 y
I believe that when they made all mobilization orders pcs moves, you are given the same as being on active duty. I have a contract that is over reserve affairs in Germany I will see if I can get mire info and I will pass his email to you.
MAJ Financial Advisor
MAJ (Join to see)
>1 y
That would be great. I've been trying to find contact info for Mobilization and Reserve Affairs over there.
SFC (Other / Not listed)
SFC (Join to see)
9 y
Sorry to dig up old threads. My husband, an E-7 (Army) got orders for Germany. I'm trying to have a plan B in case I don't pass the physical and get CS denied. I'm preparing for possible NCS. We do have children. As of now, his orders are accompanied. I just want to ask anyone with experience over there, should I go NCS, can I obtain SOFA for the duration of his assignment? Thanks in advance.
MSgt Squad Leader
MSgt (Join to see)
9 y
SFC (Join to see) - Unless you get command sponsored, which can happen after arrival, you cannot obtain SOFA status. The orders are where the SOFA status comes from. Something to take into consideration, as I have had to deal with it with my family, is to go direct with the gaining location to discuss any issues prior to the CS paperwork going through. Many times CS gets denied by the losing base and is blamed on the gaining base.
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