Posted on Nov 26, 2013
Any insight into FY14 or FY15 Army Officer Separation Boards?
Early next year around 2000 officers are going to get a letter saying "you don't have to go home, but you can't stay here". Other than the occasional Army Times article I haven't seen anything put out officially. The Major Mafia says Majors could face 8-12% cuts while some CPT year groups may have a 30-50% over the next few years. Does anyone have any better intel, such as actual numbers by branch and year group?
Posted >1 y ago
Responses: 16
I estimate/gather/believe that the notification of majors selected for involuntary separation is supposed to start very soon, and that the Army feels it messed up the captain notification process pretty badly so is doing a sort-of lessons learned before it embarks on notifying the majors selected for involuntary separation.
Anyone heard anything different? Specific dates?
Anyone heard anything different? Specific dates?
Does anyone know if they've started notifying the Majors? I saw an email a few weeks ago that had 9-20 July as the notification window.
MAJ (Join to see)
Here's a few more...they talk about how important the chain of command is in the process, but we get to read about it not from our chain of command or the Army, but from "background" comments from "senior Army leaders" given to journalists....
"Currently, about 1,100 captains have been identified for involuntary separation, and about 550 majors will be notified during the first week in August. Already notified were 103 colonels and 136 lieutenant colonels."
"No commander is happy when notified that a Soldier from his or her command has been identified to leave. It's never a good story, said senior leaders, speaking on background during a blogger's roundtable at the Pentagon, today."
"Each year, the Selective Early Retirement Boards will continue to meet and the process will continue until 2019, absent new legislation."
"It clearly remains a sensitive subject. The briefing was held on condition that the officials speaking be granted anonymity."
"The 500 to 550 majors will receive word of their impending separations in late July or early August, officials said. Further early retirement and officer selection boards could be announced for late this year and early next year, an Army official said. Those notified have nine months to transition out of the active duty Army, and many are expected to continue in the Army Reserve."
"Senior Army officials, speaking on condition of anonymity, said the officers were among a group of 1,188 captains notified last month that they were being separated from the service as it draws down from 513,800 soldiers to 510,000 by the end of the year because of budget cuts."
"The official said that the seven or nine-month clock for transition out of the Army started running when they were selected for separation and it was better to "give them the maximum amount of time" to prepare for civilian life. Another round of officer separations was set to begin in the first week of August when pink slips start going out to officers with the rank of major, a second Army official said."
"Nine company commanders are among 48 captains on active duty in Afghanistan that are slated to be fired under a Pentagon cost-cutting plan, officials said Thursday...Col. Bruce Jenkins, deputy director of the Army’s Military Personnel Management Directorate said captains on active duty would leave the battlefield within 30 days of notification, though that timeframe would be extended to 90 days for company commanders because of their additional responsibilities. Pentagon officials said the notifications have already begun."
"The selection process for separation began with an extensive records check to turn up those with marks against their careers – "anything from an extra-marital affair to a DUI (Driving Under the Influence)," a senior official said."
"Currently, about 1,100 captains have been identified for involuntary separation, and about 550 majors will be notified during the first week in August. Already notified were 103 colonels and 136 lieutenant colonels."
"No commander is happy when notified that a Soldier from his or her command has been identified to leave. It's never a good story, said senior leaders, speaking on background during a blogger's roundtable at the Pentagon, today."
"Each year, the Selective Early Retirement Boards will continue to meet and the process will continue until 2019, absent new legislation."
"It clearly remains a sensitive subject. The briefing was held on condition that the officials speaking be granted anonymity."
"The 500 to 550 majors will receive word of their impending separations in late July or early August, officials said. Further early retirement and officer selection boards could be announced for late this year and early next year, an Army official said. Those notified have nine months to transition out of the active duty Army, and many are expected to continue in the Army Reserve."
"Senior Army officials, speaking on condition of anonymity, said the officers were among a group of 1,188 captains notified last month that they were being separated from the service as it draws down from 513,800 soldiers to 510,000 by the end of the year because of budget cuts."
"The official said that the seven or nine-month clock for transition out of the Army started running when they were selected for separation and it was better to "give them the maximum amount of time" to prepare for civilian life. Another round of officer separations was set to begin in the first week of August when pink slips start going out to officers with the rank of major, a second Army official said."
"Nine company commanders are among 48 captains on active duty in Afghanistan that are slated to be fired under a Pentagon cost-cutting plan, officials said Thursday...Col. Bruce Jenkins, deputy director of the Army’s Military Personnel Management Directorate said captains on active duty would leave the battlefield within 30 days of notification, though that timeframe would be extended to 90 days for company commanders because of their additional responsibilities. Pentagon officials said the notifications have already begun."
"The selection process for separation began with an extensive records check to turn up those with marks against their careers – "anything from an extra-marital affair to a DUI (Driving Under the Influence)," a senior official said."
Senior leaders explain Army's drawdown plan
The drawdown, particularly involuntary separations, is a huge issue for the Army, officials said, especially since the strength of the Army is its people and the trust they have in each other.
MAJ (Join to see)
And it seems these processes will continue through 2019 (although I'm not sure if this isn't just a normal annual process for those passed over twice for promotion): FY2015 LTC SERB announced yesterday:
MAJ (Join to see)
Amazing how "transparent" and "humane" this notification process is going. Like I said before, nothing like a good dose of separation board anxiety to improve morale!
MAJ (Join to see)
The article below provides the first force-wide numbers I've seen.
It says the decision has yet to be made whether there will be OSB/ESERB in 2015. If there are 2015 boards, they'll meet in February 2015.
It says the decision has yet to be made whether there will be OSB/ESERB in 2015. If there are 2015 boards, they'll meet in February 2015.
From what I've read, the year groups for CPT and MAJ that will be reviewed would almost require that the individual has been passed over at least once while in zone.
CPT Deryk Steinert
MAJ Dews, for CPTs YG 06-08 are in the OSB zone. None of these YGs have been in the zone for MAJ, in fact the OSB excludes officers in the zone for promotion. I presume next years board will be for YGs 07-09 while YG 06 falls within the zone for the MAJ promotion board.
MAJ (Join to see)
If officers promotion packets appeared in front of their perspective promotion boards than they their packets did not appear in any of the E-SRB or E-OSB. The reason is if the promotion board is an officers second look than they will need to be out of the Army on the 1st day of the seventh month.
Now, promotion packets that appeared in front of the promotion board for your below zone look than your packet did appear in front of one of the two early out boards unless you were picked up below zone you would be selected to be retained.
Now, promotion packets that appeared in front of the promotion board for your below zone look than your packet did appear in front of one of the two early out boards unless you were picked up below zone you would be selected to be retained.
CPT Deryk Steinert
Sir, if that's the case the OSB and ESERB do not apply to you and congrats on your below the zone promotion to MAJ. I was just pointing out that you would not be considered as passed over once as YG07 until at least the release of next years board based on the board zones of consideration (MILPER 13-166) for FY14 and the separation board message for CPTs affecting YG 06-08. I am YG07 and won't be considered for MAJ Below the Zone until next year. That means to be below the zone this year you were YG06-07 and if not selected does not count as being passed over.
My assumption since you state that you were promoted last year at 6 years would imply you are not Army Competitive Category (ACC). I am not familiar with any special branch separation boards.
My assumption since you state that you were promoted last year at 6 years would imply you are not Army Competitive Category (ACC). I am not familiar with any special branch separation boards.
There are Title 10 changes coming this year also to strategically effect the senior warrant officer ranks additionally.
CW5 Sam R. Baker
LMBO, awesomeness, but I truly think it is something we have needed for a while, happens that my branch is the target audience however, the code merely has to be changed so that other branches are not affected. I have two likes left for today, I think you deserve them!
CW5 Sam R. Baker
Due to the law it is illegal for the Army to not consider ALL branches of warrant officer for an SRB. The law has to be amended or changed by Congress in order for the Army to execute a warrant officer SRB that will affect the target audience. Meaning, currently let's say we have approximately 800 CW4/5 in aviation and there are 7 in food inspection, without a change, the board could take out all 7 in a single field therefore taking everything that entire branch has. Usually in the solid bar world, there are not such limited numbers and therefore a SRB would not affect a branch to that detriment. Aviation is over-strength tremendously and will targeted as will any other overage.
All the MAJ boards meet in APR-MAY. All selected will get the bad news in person.
Good Luck
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