Any ideas why the Donald J. Trump Foundation isn't a part of the Combined Federal Campaign?
Another great resource for evaluating charities is Charity Navigator.

Charity Navigator - Your Guide To Intelligent Giving | Home
Charity Navigator, America's largest independent charity evaluator, provides free ratings of the Financial Health and Accountability & Transparency of thousands of charities. We are the individual donor's first source for unbiased news and information on philanthropy, nonprofit organizations, wise giving, donating money, charitable donations, and charity ratings.

Trump Revives Defense of Charitable Foundation Amid Inquiry
The Donald J. Trump Foundation is under investigation by the New York attorney general after it indicated in tax filings that it may have broken rules.

What is the difference between a private foundation and a public charity?
GrantSpace, a service of the Foundation Center, offers information and resources that are specifically designed to meet the needs of grantseekers.
Unlike you or me dropping money in the red kettle or using CFC or even tithing at church, Trump has a much more complex life, tax, and charitable giving situation. The Trump Foundation allows him to give to organizations he supports without distractions or legal entanglements (theoretically!).
CFC charities must meet standards that the Trump Foundation was never set up to attain.
The CFC is the official workplace giving campaign of the federal government. The mission of the CFC is to promote and support philanthropy through a program that is employee focused, cost-efficient, and effective in providing federal employees the opportunity to improve the quality of life for all.
Not only does it cost to participate in the CFC all operating and administrative cost of the CFC is deducted from the monies donated.