Anyone have any tips when applying for a position on USAjobs and or if there is a better option than USAJobs.
Posted >1 y ago
Responses: 2
I have yet to apply for a federal job (nothing of interest in my area), but my voc rehab councilor told me that you can cut and paste the duties described in the job listing to your federal résumé if they match. For example, I copied and pasted some lines from a listing for Mortuary Affairs Coordinator to my military experience section (for 92M Mortuary Affairs Specialist), and the job description for a VA medical logistics tech to my experience doing CWT at a VA's supply/distribution.
Nope none at all. I have always gotten the either I'm over qualified or I'm not qualified for that GS level. Seems to always boil down to they already have someone selected they just have to post it. I think the only positions I ever came close to getting before were UA positions.
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