Posted on May 26, 2016
Anti-Trump rioters on TV last night. Q: When was the last time a Right Wing group rioted in front of a Left Wing organization's event?
Posted 9 y ago
Responses: 17
That doesn't happen. It is the left that has the disorderly minds; when the right demonstrates they pick up their own trash and leave the place better than when they found it.

A Tale of Two Rallies on the Mall: Clean Conservatives vs. Filthy Libs (Video)
Here’s a look at the National Mall after the massive Restoring Honor Rally yesterday in Washington DC: And, here is ...
MSG (Join to see)
Heidelberg '97. A German union was protesting on Romanstβe while I was on the gate. They showed up at 0730'ish. At 0800 they started spreading hay on the street. Picketers with their orange vests on, blowing whistles and being loud. At 1530 a horn blew the sign went away, teams of people with rakes, brooms and trash bags were policing up everything and by 1630 ... you'd never known they were there. Even their freaking protests are well engineered!
Capt Seid Waddell
MSG (Join to see), that is the orderly German minds for you.
Our left behaves more like the Ferguson model.
Our left behaves more like the Ferguson model.
Most leftwingers are nothing more than spoiled children who were raised by failed parents. They were allowed to get what they wanted by having tempertantrims in public, and their parents never stopped it. Now they have the same mentality, its funny how they want equality for all as long as it lines up to their beliefs.
SFC (Join to see)
1LT Michael Jay - I am offended that your are offended and you must stop talking immediately, you have went into MY safespace and said something I am against. And if you're offended that I lead Soldiers and you're a 1LT vet, you did as much TIS as a SPC and you have no real experience in the military. Just enough to call yourself a vet and get benefits.
1LT Michael Jay
SFC (Join to see) -
First....I had over twenty years of Active Military Service. With 5 combat tours. Now...unlike you I started as a private and made it to 1LT. So, whenever you want to compare military experience just let me know. In my opinion, you are one of the reason that we have substandard lower enlisted.
First....I had over twenty years of Active Military Service. With 5 combat tours. Now...unlike you I started as a private and made it to 1LT. So, whenever you want to compare military experience just let me know. In my opinion, you are one of the reason that we have substandard lower enlisted.
1LT Michael Jay
SFC (Join to see) -
Furthermore, were you are I have been. I held and excelled as a Staff Sergeant and held the rank of what is apparently some that you aren't qualified the hold SFC! When you make asinine assumptions about someone, like you did in your initial post you only solidify your ignorance. Also, as stated in my previous post. I would gladly put my ERB, ORB ...hell even my Resume against your. So what I need you to do is move out and return fire...Staff!
Furthermore, were you are I have been. I held and excelled as a Staff Sergeant and held the rank of what is apparently some that you aren't qualified the hold SFC! When you make asinine assumptions about someone, like you did in your initial post you only solidify your ignorance. Also, as stated in my previous post. I would gladly put my ERB, ORB ...hell even my Resume against your. So what I need you to do is move out and return fire...Staff!
LCDR (Join to see)
I can't seriously argue your point SSG. Nor can I find justification for it. These vultures simply will consume and demolish property of anyone who disagree with them.
Right wing groups do not riot. We are civilized. Most Left Wingers I have ever met were more Tribal than civilized. "They are angry"...It all goes back to who and what started this. The Left wing of the United states was put into place by the Communist Party in the Soviet Union, to assist in the overthrow of the USA. They infiltrated the Universities and the Media in order to change the minds of the Youth and disaffected. You should watch the movie "I was a Communist for the FBI" from the book of the same name.
My personal opinion is that the easiest way to quell a riot is a GE Minigun. 6,000 rounds per minute of Go the F*** Home.
My personal opinion is that the easiest way to quell a riot is a GE Minigun. 6,000 rounds per minute of Go the F*** Home.
SSG Roger Ayscue
SSG Drew Cook - It is not hate. Damn, it is not discriminatory to want a man to piss in the men's room. it is Traditional Morals. It is very very simple...Got a dick, you are a dude. Chicks don't have dicks. Period. OH and dudes don't have periods.
This is not hate, this is not discrimination. This is reality. And even when I am dead and gone, and you are thankful that I am dead, this will still be true.
No matter how much wanting, wishing, treating, or injecting can make a man into a woman or a woman into a man. You can dye your nose black, grow out your hair and beard, fear a fur coat, walk on all four and sniff people's asses and bark at them and it will NEVER make you a Beagle. If you can not see this you are delusional. Don't make it harder than it has to be.
This is not hate, this is not discrimination. This is reality. And even when I am dead and gone, and you are thankful that I am dead, this will still be true.
No matter how much wanting, wishing, treating, or injecting can make a man into a woman or a woman into a man. You can dye your nose black, grow out your hair and beard, fear a fur coat, walk on all four and sniff people's asses and bark at them and it will NEVER make you a Beagle. If you can not see this you are delusional. Don't make it harder than it has to be.
SSG Drew Cook
SSG Roger Ayscue - Wrong. Not traditional morals- Christian beliefs. There is nothing traditional OR moral in your hateful mind. Take your swastika band off, buddy.
SSG Roger Ayscue
SSG Drew Cook - So you are refering Christian beliefs to Nazism? And why is is HATEFUL to want peple to use the correct restroom? I am not the Nazi here. But since you can not LOGICALLY express your views, then you resort to the main tactic of the Left Wing, you call me names...You can ot logically state a reason that a nude person with a penis should be allowed o use the same shower facility as an underaged girl. And what about people that do adhere to a moral code? So a Birkah or Hajib is OK, long hair, a turban and a beard is OK despite the fact that no one else in the US Military can do it EXCEPT for a Sikh... but to protect my daughter from being exposed to a man's trouser trout while she is showering at the Y, in the women's locker room....Well I am an insensitive and horrid person. yeah right.
you will find, that most people believe that I am right. if you want to pee, go to the stall of your choice, but a shower room or a sauna or a dressing room, No.
I LOVE how you on the left call those of us that disagree with you Hateful and twice you have relished in the fact that I am going to die. Thanks for the Support there Soldier. I am glad I never served with you. You are the kind of person that thinks only of yourself. You too will die one day. If I am wrong then I just fade into nothingness, If you are wrong you burn in Hell.....I like MY odds better.
you will find, that most people believe that I am right. if you want to pee, go to the stall of your choice, but a shower room or a sauna or a dressing room, No.
I LOVE how you on the left call those of us that disagree with you Hateful and twice you have relished in the fact that I am going to die. Thanks for the Support there Soldier. I am glad I never served with you. You are the kind of person that thinks only of yourself. You too will die one day. If I am wrong then I just fade into nothingness, If you are wrong you burn in Hell.....I like MY odds better.
Remember the first big Tea Party in Washington whereat the participants no only had insurance, the correct permits, and gathered peacefully, but also cleaned up after themselves. I loved it when people ran pictures comparing that event to a Left-wing riot like the "Occupy" groups. Occupy, BLM (Black Lives Matter and Bureau of Land Management), and other progressives always seem to make a mess, don't they. And rioting isn't the only crime in their repertoire. Remember the rapes at the Occupy gatherings? Then who gets attacked by the media? Remember claims that participants at the Tea Party in DC had spit on a group of black Congress members (only to be proven false when it turned out that many people videoed the event).
We can't. We have to work. We have to help our kids with their homework. We have to take care of our homes. We have to serve on our volunteer Fire Departments and ambulance services. We have to take care of our grand children so that their adult parents can go to their second jobs.
Maj John Bell
Capt Michael Greene - That is not my view of liberals. People that work hard and have jobs and contribute to society regardless of their politics, are usually pretty respectful about the safety,well-being, property, and rights of others. I put responsible peaceful protesters on either side of the political spectrum into that hard-working, employed, and contributing group.
My negative view is of the young punks that get violent. I would guess that they are far less than 1% of the liberals. They are the equivalent of the right wing's neo-Nazis, skin heads, abortion clinic bombers, etc. who are probably far less than 1% of the right wing. Unfortunately these 1%ers garner 90% plus of the media attention.
I feel safe in assuming that you are as embarrassed by them as I am of the right wing jackasses.
My negative view is of the young punks that get violent. I would guess that they are far less than 1% of the liberals. They are the equivalent of the right wing's neo-Nazis, skin heads, abortion clinic bombers, etc. who are probably far less than 1% of the right wing. Unfortunately these 1%ers garner 90% plus of the media attention.
I feel safe in assuming that you are as embarrassed by them as I am of the right wing jackasses.
Capt Michael Greene
Maj John Bell - Understood. Thanks. I'm not exactly "embarrassed" by them because they don't represent me. I'm partly disappointed in violent protestors because it's stupid to be violent, and partly angry with them because they are destructive and harming people.
Conservative Don't Need to or want to riot....We would be damaging our own homes and Shops and Communities.
1LT Michael Jay
Are you saying Conservative don't own homes, shops and respect there communities? If this your your views how can you effectively lead any soldier you are responsible for?
SSG (Join to see)
1LT Michael Jay - No, I am saying that the Conservatives are the ones that own the shops, stores and homes.. and we would not riot because its our possessions that will get damaged. Conservatives are the ones who lose the most in riots. Its like Jeff Foxworthy said When your young and you have a party and they break all your furniture your out $15 buck.
Or to phrase my reply another way, about the same time that white people rioted in five different states after some unknown white thug in some city got shot by some racist, abusive, violent, unprofessional, bigoted black police officer (sarcasm is intentional) after fighting with the aforementioned officer while attempting to grab his weapon or inflict possible serious injuries or flee the scene of a crime, etc., etc., etc. I can't use the term majority because it is no longer applicable in this country.
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