Posted on Sep 26, 2014
Another scenario in which a life was saved by someone with a CCL
Another case to promote CCL. Unfortunately one innocent victim could not be saved. Thoughts?
Edited >1 y ago
Posted >1 y ago
Responses: 8
But....but....but..... according to Moms against guns, this NEVER occurs....a GOOD GUY with a GUN will NEVER stop a BAD GUY with a GUN.....
With that being said....I carry. I have NO desire to use it, but I also have no desire to use the fire extinguisher that I have in my kitchen....but I will not hesitate to use either one of them in a situation that I deem the use as required.... I will also not loose much sleep over it either!
With that being said....I carry. I have NO desire to use it, but I also have no desire to use the fire extinguisher that I have in my kitchen....but I will not hesitate to use either one of them in a situation that I deem the use as required.... I will also not loose much sleep over it either!
Col (Join to see)
Same here, and he has the right to heed my first warning which is a round being chambered in my tactical shotgun.
SFC William Farrell
Me too when i can Maj Chris Nelson but not as often as I like. I too have fire extinguishers in the home, i have one mounted on cargo area of my truck and have no desire to use them as you said but will when needed. And like you, I will not lose any sleep over it.
I am surprised the media admits someone with a gun stopped the maniac. But they are quick to point out it was a reserve police officer. You sure wouldn't want to give the impression that a regular citizen with a gun could prevent these types of situations. People need to come to the realization that a good guy with a gun is a good thing. And just may have an impact on these situations with these fanatic lunatics.
I don't yet have a CCL, since the state of MD makes it almost impossible to obtain one. But I like to give folks the benefit of the doubt and would like to think that most of those to do obtain a CCL are responsible people who have taken the CCL course seriously. Yes this particular individual was an off duty officer and I respect that. But IMHO I would think that there are many folks not employed in law enforcement, who do have CCLs, who would have done the same thing. Hence the reason for CCLs.
SFC (Join to see)
Even in states that it is easy. You must go through a background check, fingerprinted and a training class which advises you the law. Then qualify on a range with said firearms. I am a huge surpporter of CCL's. That coming from a former Law Enforcment Officer. I never worked any weapons crimes with a legit CCL holder.
SFC Dr. Joseph Finck, BS, MA, DSS
SFC Garzon and MAJ Whitehorn,
Much like SFC Garzon as a former LEO, I believe in legal concealed carry. I have permits in three states and carry most places. I too never worked an incident involving a legitimate CCW / CCL licensee. Many states will waive the training with a DD214.
Much like SFC Garzon as a former LEO, I believe in legal concealed carry. I have permits in three states and carry most places. I too never worked an incident involving a legitimate CCW / CCL licensee. Many states will waive the training with a DD214.
Col (Join to see)
MD is a pain in the arse. You have to demonstrate a reason for needing a CCL, such as law enforcement or what have you. Local stupidity, crime rates, and self defense don't count.
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