Posted on Apr 5, 2016
Am I still eligible for a medical review board even though I been honorably discharged?
I am a Wounded veteran Iraq. Is a med review board possible after an honorable discharge. I was in the national guard but title 10 active duty when injured in a mortar attack and LOD but was never afforded the opportunity of a med review. I was returned to duty the next day even though I was injured and later the VA found I had TBI, hearing loss and have developed asthma due to deployment and burn pit exposure.
Posted 9 y ago
Responses: 9
What would you gain from a medical review board? If you got your honorable discharge and the VA has recognized your injuries as being service connected already, I personally do not see a medical review board being of any good use. Of course, I am not a benefits expert or anything like that so if there is some added benefits other Veterans like yourself can gain from the medical review process it would be great to know them.
SFC Trevor Sauders
SGT Kristin Wiley - He already said he was honorably discharged. He now must fight with the VA like everyone else who does thier time and gets out. After 22.5 in the Army and now working Civil Serice, I've never heard of or seen an oops I didn't want to be honorably discharged. Let me back on the active duty roles so I can get a med board. Besides it will look better on his resume being Honorably Discharged for his service and he has no obligation to mention what he gets from the VA.
SGT Ben Keen
SFC Trevor Sauders - No one said he was, that is the question he is trying to answer. With his Honorable Discharge in hands, even with injuries that may qualify him for a MEB, it might be too late for those actions to be taken. I think that is what he is trying to figure out.
SSgt Koree Copeland
SFC Trevor Sauders - I have yet to be obligated to explain anything I get from any disability. I'm just curious as to what you're talking about.
Why would you go to a Medical Review board if you already have been discharged. Look up the purpose of a medical review board- I think you mean a Medical Evaluation Board (MEB). That is where they evaluate if you are fit for duty. You are already out so there is no need for determination. You need to submit your medical documents to the VA for compensation.
If you are already discharged you can go to VA hospital and get diagnosed by a medical professional, in regards to some TBI issues the medical profession can determine whether or not they are sve connected. It also helps to have witness statements that can connect it. Your medical discharge should prove a certain extent of disability. Also you could supply VA with demob medical documentation and LODs
CPT Christopher Beck
There was no demon medical or medical discharge. I was TXARNG and the said va would take care of us and only LOD I have is the incident report after the injury where I had to write my version for the PH paperwork they were sending up.
LTC James McElreath
I personally feel that he has the TBI in his records , so like the Col stated, have it added to his already existing medical record. I am not sure, but for him to back on duty they will have to find him fit for duty?. In my case I was injured on active duty, and nothing came of it until I was released from AD. The VA had my medical records and sent them forward and I received my VA Disability rating. But I was advised my disability was based on the higher based injured body part, and they do not add other injured parts to your established disability rating. Now that I am out of the service, nobody knows how or who is responsible to issue my purple heart?
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