Posted on Aug 14, 2015
All Lives Matter. Will these two police officers make a difference?
Police Officers make a statement!! AND I LOVE IT! Let's get out of the stereotypes and look at the real problem. Some officers are just NOT FIT for duty. That's all it is. More whites get killed by police officers than blacks do. BUT we don't hear about the "Caucasian" people getting killed by police officers because it doesn't fit the news, political, RACE BAITING agenda. Just getting tired of hearing this ridiculous... ughhhh.
I mean a Democrat, Martin O'Malley, even says all lives matters and he gets booed. What is wrong with this picture!!!!????
What do you think about these police officers? Are they right?
I mean a Democrat, Martin O'Malley, even says all lives matters and he gets booed. What is wrong with this picture!!!!????
What do you think about these police officers? Are they right?
Edited >1 y ago
Posted >1 y ago
Responses: 18
SGT (Join to see) you have pretty much re-iterated my sentiments on this. Black lives matter = pandering to those who would have the people divided. All lives matter is a unifying statement that indicates that human life is what should be considered first as opposed to race, gender, sexual orientation, or any other superficial grouping. I have said before, and will say again, Law Enforcement Officers fall into two categories. The first is those who genuinely want to serve their community. They want to make it a safe place, and a better place. These are the officers who suffer the most when these inflammatory events occur. They are the ones who deal with the ridicule when they are genuinely trying to make their community a better place. Then comes the second category. These are the power trippers. These officers are in it because they want the power and authority that comes with carrying a badge and a gun as a part of your daily work attire. These are the officers who react negatively when they are questioned about their actions. These are also the ones who react irrationally when engaged by the public. They don't care about why they do the job, they just care about the power they gain from the job. They have the mentality that a badge and a gun are the equivalent of putting them above the laws that they are tasked with enforcing.
If the world had more category one police officers, and less category two officers, it would be a much better place. Of course, we would still only hear in the media about the bad actions of police officers because that is what gets the ratings.
If the world had more category one police officers, and less category two officers, it would be a much better place. Of course, we would still only hear in the media about the bad actions of police officers because that is what gets the ratings.
PO3 Steven Sherrill
SSgt (Join to see) - Ok I can concede that point. But I stand by the point that the negative is better for media ratings.
MSgt Curtis Ellis
There is a third category... Those officers, good or bad, that now feel they have to react first for just about every encounter now (almost rightfully so) because of these movements like BLM, ALM, WLM, PLM and the like... In a sense, it makes a good cop "bad", and a bad cop worse...
SSgt (Join to see)
PO3 Steven Sherrill I will not argue with you on the ratings thing. Without question the media does like to focus on the negative just to boost em up.
SGT Veronica Fulgham, I don't mean to hijack your post, and I apologize in advance, but this reminded me of a discussion I had this week where I had a white individual call me a racist (reversed) because I felt the term "All Lives Matter" was appropriate... But wait for the unbelievable part... His argument was for "Black Lives Matter" and he felt that if my "pea-brain" couldn't grasp the full concept of its meaning, then I must be one of them... I would have responded physically, but I couldn't stop laughing and left... On a serious note, and after really giving it some thought, was discussing this with a friend of mine (also white) after after discussing it with, was surprised he actually felt the same way, and sent me the link below from his FB page. I was somewhat speechless and very surprised at how many actually felt this way... I couldn't determine if it this was genuine, sympathetic or just some sarcastic post...
Though I don't agree completely with this, I do see his point of view, but believe that point of view is not the answer based on the original question, only that it has something to do with the question, has a few true statements, therefore, it makes it, and is seen as, a correct answer, even though it isn't... Does that make sense? If not, my apologies... My brain tends to think deeper than I want sometimes! LOL! And as far as the author, I've never heard of him and couldn't find him on Twitter, where it seems this came from, but I do think it is race baiting on a whole new level...
Though I don't agree completely with this, I do see his point of view, but believe that point of view is not the answer based on the original question, only that it has something to do with the question, has a few true statements, therefore, it makes it, and is seen as, a correct answer, even though it isn't... Does that make sense? If not, my apologies... My brain tends to think deeper than I want sometimes! LOL! And as far as the author, I've never heard of him and couldn't find him on Twitter, where it seems this came from, but I do think it is race baiting on a whole new level...

Why "all lives matter" is an inappropriate, racist response to Black Lives Matter (with tweets) ·...
A few tips and explanations for my fellow white people who seem a little confused on the subject.
MAJ (Join to see)
I take issue with a number of the points listed in this individual's tweets:
"For starters, someone proclaiming that a specific group of lives matter is not saying other lives don't matter."
- Somehow I doubt that if a group formed proclaiming that "White Lives Matter", the author would agree that it is not a slight to other ethnicities.
"But proclaiming that "all lives matter" in the face of Black people being murdered at the hands of the State is a further act of violence"
- How on earth is any rallying cry that tries to stop violence in general an act of violence against one particular group?
"It is an erasure of the specific situation people are facing, a demand to be centered in someone else's pain"
- Why exactly is this "someone else's pain"? Do the white people, the asian people, the LGBT these groups not feel pain when their members are killed? Why is expanding the BLM movement to include ALL people trying to horn in on "someone else's pain"?
"It is a refusal to acknowledge the white supremacy that proclaims Black lives worthless and will not even put murderers on trial"
- If there truly is a conspiracy directed at black people in particular, than why is it that according to the CDC, almost twice as many white people died at the hands of LEO than black people in the first decade of this millenium?
"It is not an act of egalitarianism or a relevant or even important point. Obviously all lives matter. That does not need said."
- If it is obvious that all lives matter, than why have any "Lives Matter" campaign? Is it somehow obvious that all lives matter, but not that a specific group within the "all" matter?
This author seems to focus entirely on the pain of one group, ignoring the pain of other groups, and dismissing them as a distraction from the one pain that's actually important. It is exactly this sort of thinking, dividing people into groups of those that "matter" and those that don't, the promotes racism and tension. It needs to end. People need to stand together, not find new reasons for why one group is more important than another.
"For starters, someone proclaiming that a specific group of lives matter is not saying other lives don't matter."
- Somehow I doubt that if a group formed proclaiming that "White Lives Matter", the author would agree that it is not a slight to other ethnicities.
"But proclaiming that "all lives matter" in the face of Black people being murdered at the hands of the State is a further act of violence"
- How on earth is any rallying cry that tries to stop violence in general an act of violence against one particular group?
"It is an erasure of the specific situation people are facing, a demand to be centered in someone else's pain"
- Why exactly is this "someone else's pain"? Do the white people, the asian people, the LGBT these groups not feel pain when their members are killed? Why is expanding the BLM movement to include ALL people trying to horn in on "someone else's pain"?
"It is a refusal to acknowledge the white supremacy that proclaims Black lives worthless and will not even put murderers on trial"
- If there truly is a conspiracy directed at black people in particular, than why is it that according to the CDC, almost twice as many white people died at the hands of LEO than black people in the first decade of this millenium?
"It is not an act of egalitarianism or a relevant or even important point. Obviously all lives matter. That does not need said."
- If it is obvious that all lives matter, than why have any "Lives Matter" campaign? Is it somehow obvious that all lives matter, but not that a specific group within the "all" matter?
This author seems to focus entirely on the pain of one group, ignoring the pain of other groups, and dismissing them as a distraction from the one pain that's actually important. It is exactly this sort of thinking, dividing people into groups of those that "matter" and those that don't, the promotes racism and tension. It needs to end. People need to stand together, not find new reasons for why one group is more important than another.
MSgt Curtis Ellis
MAJ (Join to see) - People do need to somehow come together on this before it gets any worse. I think what the 2 police officers did in SGT Veronica Fulgham - Blais post was and is a good thing and something everyone should take note of, but we know, for selfish reasons and human nature being what it is, this won't happen, and the division remaiins...
MSgt Curtis Ellis
TSgt Hunter Logan - No apologies needed nor was I insulted or offended... I would like to think we all have thick skin here and sooner or later something is going to be posted that's going to ruffle a few feathers. I'd like to think we post for understanding, clarification and to gather various points of view to a common "enemy", and what's posted is not always the feeling of the poster, as in this case, so the "anger and frustration", to me, was toward the post, not the poster. I do understand your frustration, and I agree that we, as a people, really do need to move forward to a positive resolution to this, however, we both know that there are always those who would rather choose to undermine those efforts under the guise of "being angry" with the hidden agenda of death and destruction through "race baiting". It bugs me even more that others are actually falling for this and acting negatively as a justification. Human nature... gotta love it! LOL! Unless there is a real need to, never apologize for what you feel...It's the same as apologizing for being you, and I don't think anyone would want that! Be well, stay blessed and we're good! :)
SGT (Join to see) I certainly hope that the race-baiting will diminish on all fronts. To be honest I don't expect significant change until after January 2017 when a new President assumes office.
LTC Stephen F.
PO3 Steven Sherrill - I am hopeful that over the next generation we see the fruit of many grassroots efforts which have been focused on getting good candidates elected at the state and local levels. Some of these efforts have already produced US Congressman and one or two US Senators. I am hopeful that enough people will exercise common sense and vote in capable and honest people into office and hold them accountable to keep them honest.
PO3 Steven Sherrill
LTC Stephen F. - I hope that "We The People" can get past the elephant or donkey that many feel are the only choices when casting their vote. I would love to see the political parties dissolved, or at the very least see there be at least six parties each with readily identifiable values, and goals so that there are a number of choices on the ballot that are capable of being elected. I will continue to vote my conscience, even if the candidate I vote for has no hope of winning. At least then I can say I did not compromise my values when I voted.
CPT Ahmed Faried
PO3 Steven Sherrill - failure to empathize. Folks are willing to excuse injustice so long as it isn't happening to them.
PO3 Steven Sherrill
CPT Ahmed Faried - That is a terrible sad truth. Maybe it isn't just wartime that is causing us to lose our humanity. We have become so self absorbed in our modern culture that becomes difficult to empathize with the suffering of others, unless of course it directly impacts our life. I think we are all guilty of it. I know that I have been sitting in traffic wishing that people would just get out of the way, without thinking about the fact that those people are people with lives, problems, and struggles of their own. I am making a concerted effort to change this. It starts small, but if we would just make small efforts to step out of our "me, my, mine" bubble, we could regain our humanity. Humans have climbed to the top of the food chain through our one evolutionary advantage, our brains. We need to use that advantage to better our situation for everyone.
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