Posted on Apr 14, 2016
After Our National Anthem, do you have a fav song that chokes you up, gets your heart or gets you pumped?
There have been many a song penned by many a writer. I cannot listen to Our National Anthem without a silent tear escaping. I mostly listen to country, but "Silver Wings" has always been among my favorites, RIP Merle: you gave us all you had. Johnny Cash "This Ragged Flag" speaks for itself. Who hasn't heard "Green Berets" and been moved? Newer is David Ball's "Private Malone."There are plenty more but at the moment I have a bit of brain fog so I am asking you. Any decade, any genre. If you have a reason, include it. Some days I just want to get lost in the music. Music Heals.
Edited >1 y ago
Posted >1 y ago
Responses: 42
I'm a 9/11/01 WTC Responder. I went to about ten funerals for Firefighters/Cops/PAPD guys after the attacks. It was like "Groundhog Day" with Bill Murray, only terribly heartbreaking. For a LONG time, I couldn't listen to "Amazing Grace' on the bagpipes without my eyes filling up.(I'm crying right now thinking about it.)
Maj Kim Patterson
Thank you for undertaking such this horrendous incident and showing up at the funerals. My opinion, your presence was much more meaningful than flowers or food. You let the families know they were not alone in their grief.
Maj Kim Patterson
CDR William Kempner - I got nationally certified in CISM: Critical Incident Stress Management for responders on 9/10/01. Although it no longer is the acronym of choice, I have had several opportunities to use this training although the timing still strikes me as eery, my brother was supposed to be in those towers but there was a traffic jam.
CDR William Kempner
Lucky guy. Glad for him and for you and yours. The classic story for me is a business friend I had at Marsh McLennan(100th floor of WTC #1) Real good guy, with a real bad back. He used to curse it!! He'd been trying to see a particular specialist for ages-and finally got an appointment -on 9/11/01(!), so he was out of his office that AM. EVERYONE in his office was virtually VAPORIZED. They never found the remains of any of them. He was to attend a meeting with me the following AM. I'd forgotten about his apptmt. Well, we knew what had happened at Marsh, and I called their Temp HQ # in Brooklyn, and on Thursday, I got a call from him!!! Like a call from the dead!! We were delighted and relieved to hear from him, but also very sad-I knew several of his co-workers. No trace of them was ever found. As for my friend-his bad back saved his life!! I have lots of stories from those days. They would break your heart. I think the saddest, and best, thing I remember is when they gave out the "urns" of the relatives ('scuse me, had to wipe my eyes.) at the FSC at Pier 92-94. Nobody had to say anything, but all of our Officers and NCOs joined the other orgs reps.(FDNY, NYPD, PAPD, etc) and circled the area where the families had gathered to get the urns. Lots of love, and hugs and tears. I met several families of people I KNEW! Warm, and funny, and heart-breaking. I remember the parents of one guy I knew from the fire service. They were so pleased to meet someone they didn't know who knew their son, they both hugged me and started crying. (sigh. Sad, sad, sad.) BTW, I also have been recruited for CISM team here in NY-that for another time. :)
Maj Kim Patterson Ma'am, I love when they play a medley of military service songs. The Marine Corps hymn is my favorite of course. The 1812 Overture is great followed by many other songs that gets my heart to beating faster.
Taps Maj Kim Patterson, i get teary eyed every time I hear it. And your last sentence sums me up well. Oftentimes I'd sit in my car or my home and listen to some of the same sad songs over and over, songs that tell about us, who we are as veterans and usually when I was drinking. Perhaps it was my PTSD, who knows. Glad I gave up the drinking years ago! While Taps was originally written to signify the end of the day, now I can only think of all the those who have paid the ultimate sacrifice when I hear it. Sad.
Oh Beautiful, My Country Tis of Thee, The Americans, Ballad of the Green Beret and Proud to be an American Maj Kim Patterson .
Sgt Lew Dunham
I grew up as the son of a Green Beret officer in the early sixties ... at Bragg they wore this one out when it was released, but it never became old ....
Must hear!! Davy Spillane - Caoineadh Cu Chulainn Uilleann Pipes.flv
The emotional Uilleann Pipes in the world. It is so good to crying for the beauty part of our live! This is not a political side - please respect this! Thank...
If you want a piece of music that will make you all emotional, check this out:
CPT (Join to see)
That performance was part of the whole Riverdance deal, Ma'am.
Uileann pipes are one of my very favorite instruments.
Uileann pipes are one of my very favorite instruments.
CPT (Join to see)
Maj Kim Patterson - That's awesome, Ma'am. Was Davy Spillane there? When I retire I want to learn those Uilleann pipes. There's nothing else that sounds like that.
Maj Kim Patterson
CPT (Join to see) - I don't have my program to refer back to but it was like nothing else; I didn't even look it up before commenting initially.
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