Posted on Feb 12, 2015
CPT Battalion Intelligence Officer (S2)
I am preparing a brief (for MICCC) which addresses the structure of an ABCT. I came from an ABCT, and the FA BN only had 2 batteries.
- FM 3-90.6 published 14 SEP 2010 displays 2 x 155mm batteries
- Unable find an equivalent ADP to confirm updated information for an ABCT
- an ABCT in Fort Riley has 3 batteries, the ABCT I came from has 2 batteries

Is anyone up to date on ABCT structure? If so, can you point to a doctrinal answer please?

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CPT Field Artillery Officer
Edited 10 y ago
Abct structure
The FM 3-90.6 pg 1-7 and 1-8 list out the Armored Brigade Combat Team organization and capabilities for the BCT. From a fires perspective, you have two batteries with 8 M109A5/A6 Paladins (155mm Self-Propelled) currently in the ABCT.

Under the new doctrine to be published and the stand-up with Division Artillery (DIVARTY), with each BCT gaining 3 manuever battalions, each battalion will have a dedicated battery to support it. The new doctrine at the ABCT level will have 3 batteries with a 6 howitzer configuration. For now stick with the published doctrine of the 2x8 batteries.

I've attached a diagram from FABOLC that spells out the current doctrine to how an ABCT Fires BN structure is. It has the full fires on it for the battalion to include the radar assets.
CPT Battalion Intelligence Officer (S2)
CPT (Join to see)
10 y
Thank you. I didn't have any problems finding the HBCT portion in 3-90.6. Have been trying to find updated doctrine to match the ABCT. I appreciate the clarification on the 3 CAB and supporting FA task org.
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CPT Senior Instructor
From what I understand they will all be going to three batteries. If I read it right each BCT, to include, ABCT will three maneuver battalions. On the two over seas BCTs will stay with two. In this situation a battery will be dedicated to a battalion. If they only had two they may have not been set up for the new structure yet.
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CPT Graduate Student
A friend of mine is standing up a third battery in an ABCT and it will be 2PLTs x 3 guns of M109A6.
CPT Battalion Intelligence Officer (S2)
CPT (Join to see)
10 y
Thank you very much. That's what I was after.
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