A Conversation with CSM (Ret.) Joe Gainey, Podcast #8
For this week’s podcast I had a conversation with Command Sergeant Major William (Joe) Gainey, a career Calvaryman and Scout, Joe was CJTF-7 and MNC-I CSM, and was selected as the first Senior Enlisted Advisor to the Chairman of the Joint Chief of Staff.
CSM Gainey entered basic training at Fort Knox, Kentucky on June 17, 1975 and retired 25, 2008 as the SEAC. He came up as a 19D Scout, served every job from gunner, tank commander, drill sergeant, Platoon Sergeant, First Sergeant, and in a number of successively important command sergeants major positions. He has four deployments, which included service as the Task Force Eagle CSM in Bosnia Herzegovina and as the CJTF-7 and later MNC-I CSM in Iraq.