Posted on Sep 27, 2015
Do you discourage people from drinking and driving?
Responses: 4
I knew of SGM Bruns who was a 1SG at the time in our BN. The story definitely makes you think again before getting behind the wheel. It makes you realize that your decisions can greatly affect others. You are putting yourself and everyone else on the road in danger when you get in that driver seat.
The original post was just released and this is another from a while back if anyone wants to read more into the story
The original post was just released and this is another from a while back if anyone wants to read more into the story
Fort Bragg soldier, double-leg amputee, recovers after being injured by alleged drunken driver
Walter Reed National Military Medical Center has been home to Army Sgt. Maj. Jeremy Bruns and his wife Jenny since late 2012.
I don’t drink at all and I’m also big enough and strong enough to take car keys from friends and even strangers to keep them from driving drunk! It’s worth a few bruises to prevent a tragedy! Been doing it since high school.
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