Posted on Apr 11, 2014
CW2 Jonathan Kantor
I received a DMSM as a PCS award from CENTCOM.  I didn't feel that I deserved that high of an award.  Also, I received another DMSM for a combat tour in Afghanistan.  I felt I should have received a BSM because.. you know, the regulations and all.

Anyone else?
Posted in these groups: Us medals Awards
Edited >1 y ago
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Responses: 7
SFC Craig Dalen
The DMSM is authorized for personnel that achieved above and beyond the norm for a BSM or MSM. That is a high honor in which I am sure you deserved.
SFC Craig Dalen
SFC Craig Dalen
>1 y
Also every award you receive is something you have earned. The only argument to this is if someone lied on the recommendation. But if you were recommended honestly then it is well deserved. So my answer to the original question is no I have not.
MSG (Non-Rated)
MSG (Join to see)
>1 y
Your response is not accurate.  The DMSM is virtually identical to the MSM.  The difference is the assignment. The MSM is a Department of the Army award where the DMSM is a DoD award.  Essentially, the MSM is for personal assigned to an Army Organization/Unit and the DMSM is for personnel in a joint unit. 

(see DoDM 1348.33-V1, November 23, 2010; for additional details) 
SFC Craig Dalen
SFC Craig Dalen
>1 y
I appreciate that. I will definitely read it again.
CW5 Sam R. Baker
CW5 Sam R. Baker
10 y
SFC Lantz is correct as anything with a "J" or a "D" prior to the level of the award is for a joint assignment with a joint chain obviously.
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SGT Ben Keen
I would agree.  Sometimes an award is given that is "too high" for what the award is written for.  Sadly, by doing this, we are taking away from the prestige the medal is supposed to have.  Look at the BSM, that medal was once one held up really high, now we have guys with 4,5,6 OLCs on their BSMs and all they did was sit on a FOB for a year.

This by no means means that you fall into this boat; but I feel sometimes leaders to get award happy at times.
CW2 Jonathan Kantor
CW2 Jonathan Kantor
>1 y
I agree but it actually swings both ways.  The Medal of Honor used to be handed out for just about everything, but it was later made the utmost award for achievement and sacrifice.  I wonder if anyone around the time of the switch complained that it used to be easy to get but was now harder.  It wouldn't surprise me.
SGT Ben Keen
SGT Ben Keen
>1 y
Good point made.  It will be interesting to see what happens over the coming years.
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CW2 Software Developer
I would not worry about it. In most cases, those awards are passed through the chain of command who are responsible to make sure the award is correct and abide by the regulations. In my experience, they seem very thorough although I guess it can be different in some commands. Regardless, you earned it, so wear it with pride!
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