Posted on Sep 24, 2015
COL Mikel J. Burroughs
Have you heard about the American Heroes Cafe opening gives Veterans a safe haven?

There are all kinds of Veteran's initiatives across the country. RP Members hopefully this will inspire some of you to think outside the box and put on your entrepreneurial hats and start your own Veteran Initiative!

Check out the video!

I'm working with Ilene Morris and Virtual World Solutions d/b/a/ Sponsor a Vet Life, so reach out to me if your interested in making a difference. We need 20 to 20 veterans with PTSD for the Pilot Program. We need counselors, mentors, trainers, and sponsors. Veterans attend the program FREE.

The American Heroes Cafe opened today in Wisconsin Rapids and gave veterans an opportunity to share stories, experiences and laughs.

"When they go see their doctor or when they're talking to their family, they don't really open up, but when a vets talking to another vet or police to police or fire to fire, they've been through the same things together and they will open up and talk," said Bill Haack, the man who created it all.

Haack served in the navy for 20 years and was inspired to open the American Heroes Cafe after visiting the original one that's located in Kenosha.

Now military and navy veterans, police officers, and firefighters can meet here every Wednesday to enjoy free donuts and coffee, but more than that, they have a place to just sit and chat. For Wednesday's opening, some World War II veterans were bused in from nearby nursing homes to check it out.

"And then to talk to these older vets, WWII vets, its interesting the stories they tell," said Tom Sachs a Vietnam veteran.

The cafe relies on donations from community members and local businesses.
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Responses: 8
PVT (Other / Not listed)
I think that all communities should have a place like that for veterans other than just the VFW if I could I'd open one where I live .
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LTC Stephen F.
Hopefully the American Heroes Cafe is a safe haven for veterans COL Mikel J. Burroughs.
Hopefully they will be able to screen our=t scam artists and no aspiring muckraker journalists will be recording the veterans stories as they relax and enjoy each others company and stories :-)
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SMSgt Lawrence McCarter
Every Thursday year round our American Legion Post 208 in Millis, MA has a veteran's coffee which is only social. The Police Officers and Firefighters often join us there. A local business donates and delivers muffins and pastry for everybody.
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