MSG Hahn,
I regard the Army Values as the foundation of our chosen profession and the compass for my character and behavior. Basically, they help guide my actions. With the Army Values, should I ever find myself alone and without orders, I should know exactly how to conduct myself. We Soldiers come from a long line of warriors and we all swore oaths to support and defend our nation. Words like Loyalty, Honor and Duty to name a few are supposed to hold significant meaning for us. If the Founding Fathers pledged their lives, their fortunes and their sacred honor to our nation, shouldn't we be able to do the same and live up to that example? Words have meaning, but in the end it is deeds not words that matter the most. Those who consider the Army Values buzz words probably do not fully understand the significance of the deeds done that are associated with those words. There are many examples of Soldiers out there who embody the Army Values and we all need to strive to live up to that.