Posted on Apr 8, 2014
What's your favorite thing about serving in the military?
Responses: 28
My favorite part of my Army experience was: having my fellow soldiers feel like my family. But mainly, I loved being a leader. Being a good example for others to follow.
SPC Margaret Higgins I had two really great experiences in the military. First, was living and working at Chievres AFB, Belgium and traveling all over Europe for 3 years from 1977 to 1980. Awesome assignment for a 19, 20, and 21-year-old soldier just married for the first time. Got to bring my parents over to see all of Europe. The Second was traveling to Nicaragua after Hurricane Mitch and providing medical treatment to the villages along the river that went from a few feet to a mile. Very exciting trip to South America and one of many!
SPC Margaret Higgins
All I can say, COL Mikel Burroughs, is THANK YOU, and CONGRATULATIONS to ALL of YOU.
HOW BEYOND TRAGIC is the fact that some of the remote villages lost over 50% to 60% of their inhabitants. HOW I pray for them in Heaven.
HOW BEYOND TRAGIC is the fact that some of the remote villages lost over 50% to 60% of their inhabitants. HOW I pray for them in Heaven.
SSG (Join to see)
Helping train the Peshmerga that is putting in work against Isis right now. I was deployed in 2010-2011 for the end of OIF and the start of OND, training those guys was a privilege; and, it's an honor to see that they continue our efforts in defending the people and taking back their land.
SPC Margaret Higgins
GOD bless you; SSG Justin Grams. Thank you for doing that. You must have taught them very well.
SPC Margaret Higgins
SGT Christopher Christian - Glad you had fun; SGT Christopher Christian! And, 18-20 years old! What fun ages in which to travel!
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