Posted on Sep 11, 2015
Did the Obama Administration manipulate intelligence to fit its narrative?
Responses: 10
Including and since FDR, what administration has not manipulated intelligence to fit its narrative?
The only thing new is the 50 intelligence analysts that came forward with the report. It has been obvious for years that this administration was only seeing what it wanted to see. Case in point: the Iran deal. Also the release of high value GITMO prisoners in order to close the prison there. Also the precipitous pullout from Iraq against military recommendations and the disastrous results.
The POTUS lives in an alternate reality and demands conformity with his beliefs of his subordinates.
The POTUS lives in an alternate reality and demands conformity with his beliefs of his subordinates.
A report I saw from a top intelligence official said that the worst intelligence distortions came in the time leading up to the 2012 elections when the White House was saying that al Qaeda was on the run when in fact they were growing in strength.
PO2 Mark Saffell
Based on early reports and there MO I would have to say yes. I mean its been proven time and again that they sent Rice out to lie to the American Public over and over again on TV and then rewarded her with her new position in which she has no qualifications to do and evidence supports that she cant do the job.
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