Posted on Apr 7, 2014
CPT Brandon Christensen
I am thinking of taking some time off from Logistics and doing a term and being a TAC officer.

I enjoy mentoring and teaching NCOs, junior enlisted and even senior officers in line units about logistics and I feel being a TAC offier for a couple years would be beneficial for me and for the Army.

But unsure if that would be a wise move for me as I am trying to find a CPT slot to get promoted and further my career. And then I feel I may get behind on the logistic world and when I re-enter it as either a CDR or even on BN staff, I will be behind the curve for awhile until I am up to speed.

Thoughts? Advice?
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Responses: 2
COL Dan O'Rourke
I spent 6 years at OCS as TAC, SR TAC, then Co Cdr. I consider these as undoubtedly the best years of my career. I enjoyed the independence and ability to shape the candidates. I now teach CGSC and frequently run into my former candidates (I have 4 in the current class). The only thing I would caution against is "homesteading" (I.e. Staying in one position too long). The army is rolling out an instructor badge (initially to NCOs, officers will follow) as an emphasis on the importance of the duty. I think it's a good way to network as well.
CPT Brandon Christensen
CPT Brandon Christensen
11 y
That's is what I was thinking of doing. Doing a couple years and then going back to logistics. Thanks for the advice Sir. And it would definitely be nice to see that badge for us officers.
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LTC Program Manager

You need to make CPT and then go do your company command first.  NCOs train NCOs and enlisted soldiers.  Officers only train officers of lower rank.  Ergo your population is going to be 2LTs and you will have to answer questions on rating LTs...and I'm guessing you haven't rated any officers yet. 


Go find a CPT job to get promoted and then do your staff time until you can find a company command.  Then after command and you are branch qualified you can look at being an instructor.

CPT Brandon Christensen
CPT Brandon Christensen
11 y
I have not rated any LTs yet. Since the positions I have held, don't have any LT below me (XO, trans SPO on BN staff).

Totally understand that NCO train NCO and we train officers. I was speaking more on the drill side; at least for me in MN. Many of the senior NCO's train the lower and each other, but there are many times they don't know the answer (or where to find), so they come to me for guidance.

The path you recommend sir, was my original path I was going to take, but being NG, especially here in MN, slots are very limited and hard for many of us to move up. Hopefully it changes here soon. Been waiting for over a year for a CPT slot. That's why I was thinking taking the TAC route, get my CPT and once my time with them is finished, hopefully slots within the state open up and I can get BN or cmd time.

LTC Principal
LTC (Join to see)
11 y

LT, I was in the NG and switched over to the reserve side and found that the promotion system is a lot easier and better to navigate. If you are looking to work on the Drill Sergeant side, I would recommend the reserves. They have a regiment that is dedicated to drill slots. I was able to command a company and it was one of my best units.

If you are looking to get promoted, in the reserves we don't wait for slots to open up, we actively seek slots that will allow us to get promoted and enhance our careers. You are your best career manager and you will have to do what is best for your career as an Army officer.

CPT Brandon Christensen
CPT Brandon Christensen
11 y
Maybe that is what I should do is look at going into the reserves. Done 12 years in the NG and feel I am at a stand still. 

I understand that no one is better at your career than yourself. I have been activily seeking positions within the state. But since many CPT's are holding onto their slots and not moving, it makes it hard for us LT's to move up, hence why I was thinking of doing my TAC time now and then move on from there.

Definitely will take a look at the reserves option. May be the best route for me. Thanks Sir!
LTC Principal
LTC (Join to see)
11 y
Contact a reserve recruiter and they should be able to assist you with locating a uncut and getting the release from the Guard
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