Posted on Apr 5, 2014
SGT Orderly Room Ncoic
<span data-ft="{&quot;tn&quot;:&quot;K&quot;}" data-reactid=".5.1:3:1:$comment [login to see] 42481_97612447:0.0.$right.0.$left.0.0.0:$comment-body" style="color: rgb(20, 24, 35); font-family: Helvetica, Arial, 'lucida grande', tahoma, verdana, arial, sans-serif; font-size: 12px; line-height: 15 [login to see] 77246px; background-color: rgb(246, 247, 248);"><span class="UFICommentBody" data-reactid=".5.1:3:1:$comment [login to see] 42481_97612447:0.0.$right.0.$left.0.0.0:$comment-body.0"><span data-reactid=".5.1:3:1:$comment [login to see] 42481_97612447:0.0.$right.0.$left.0.0.0:$comment-body.0.$end:0:$0:0">You joined the Army, the Army didn't join you. That being said, just like everything in life, rules are subject to change. You have to roll with punches and really think if what you're about to put on your body presents a professional appearance. I never understood the neck and face tats to begin with and I've never thought they looked good. &nbsp;I'm not without ink myself, I have 3 tattoos on my lower arms that are unfinished work that I now can't complete. &nbsp;It sucks, but the rules changed. &nbsp;I can spend a bunch of energy complaining about it, or I do what the Army taught me to do: Get up, brush myself off, and drive the f*ck on.</span><br data-reactid=".5.1:3:1:$comment [login to see] 42481_97612447:0.0.$right.0.$left.0.0.0:$comment-body.0.$end:0:$1:0"><br data-reactid=".5.1:3:1:$comment [login to see] 42481_97612447:0.0.$right.0.$left.0.0.0:$comment-body.0.$end:0:$3:0"><span data-reactid=".5.1:3:1:$comment [login to see] 42481_97612447:0.0.$right.0.$left.0.0.0:$comment-body.0.$end:0:$4:0">Furthermore, how can we be an Army that fights for the freedom of people's individual rights (like religion) but then pick and choose what religions are acceptable to practice? It's really a double edged sword and I don't think there's going to be any way to appease everything. They have to make a decision and stick with it, people will eventually get over it. &nbsp;The waves of change are never easy, but 2-3 years from now all we'll really hear is a new wave of SGTs or SSGs regaling young privates about how things were "back when they joined the Army"</span><br data-reactid=".5.1:3:1:$comment [login to see] 42481_97612447:0.0.$right.0.$left.0.0.0:$comment-body.0.$end:0:$5:0"><span data-reactid=".5.1:3:1:$comment [login to see] 42481_97612447:0.0.$right.0.$left.0.0.0:$comment-body.0.$end:0:$8:0"><br></span></span></span><div><span data-ft="{&quot;tn&quot;:&quot;K&quot;}" data-reactid=".5.1:3:1:$comment [login to see] 42481_97612447:0.0.$right.0.$left.0.0.0:$comment-body" style="color: rgb(20, 24, 35); font-family: Helvetica, Arial, 'lucida grande', tahoma, verdana, arial, sans-serif; font-size: 12px; line-height: 15 [login to see] 77246px; background-color: rgb(246, 247, 248);"><span class="UFICommentBody" data-reactid=".5.1:3:1:$comment [login to see] 42481_97612447:0.0.$right.0.$left.0.0.0:$comment-body.0"><span data-reactid=".5.1:3:1:$comment [login to see] 42481_97612447:0.0.$right.0.$left.0.0.0:$comment-body.0.$end:0:$8:0">On a side note for the Rallypoint people I see complaining about our "socialist government": I just want you to realize that you are basically part of a huge socialist sub-culture of America. In the Army you do a job. The Army then provides your health care, your food, your housing, your travel expenses, your uniforms, etc. It's a socialist organization so the complaining about socialism is hypocrisy at it's finest. To those currently serving active status - Your anti president and government comments that you post on RP are public records of your comments and are most definitely subject to UCMJ actions if the wrong people see them. Exercise good judgment.</span></span></span></div>
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Responses: 1
SGT Chris Hill
there's nothing wrong with complaining about changes, Soldiers do it constantly and NCO's do it behind closed doors, and on here. we all do it, nothing right nor wrong about it. we are not robots, yes we will follow the regs as we are obligated to, but that doesnt mean we wont "kick rocks" as we do it. i've complained about it and i havent wasted any energy, it's just a method of getting over it. if you get frustrated at your soldiers for complaining even though they do the task given to them, you're the one wasting energy. i can care less if my soldiers complain about a task, as long as they're doing the mission meanwhile.
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