REP. Jim Moran (D) of VA, believes that congress men are underpaid. Is $174,000 underpaid? see the link for more. http://www.myfoxdc.com/story/25165208/rep-jim-moran-members-of-congress-are-underpaid

In an interview Thursday, Virginia Democrat Jim Moran said members of Congress are underpaid, and some can't afford to "live decently" while working in Washington, D.C. <br>
Edited 11 y ago
Posted 11 y ago
Responses: 15
I agree with the other comments; members of Congress make more than enough money and should be more worried about solving the myriad of other legislative issues on the table. This is just a sign of mis-allocated priorities and greed
The person must of lost his mind, they don’t need a pay
raise. Congress already gets very nice salary for working on Capitol Hill for
less than six months a year. Plus a very large portion of Congress has a second
income from books, public speaking events, and other endorsements. So to say
Congress needs a pay raise is just out of this world.
Sadly, most have forgotten what the definition of 'Public Service' is ... they show more reverence for the mighty dollar than they do for Joe Q. Citizen much less Cpl Male. The majority if not every single congressman has lost the mind frame of a Davey Crockett who served his country, then represented his state, worked hard to do that, then left office to return to his country.
Do any of the Washington government crowd DESERVE a raise? I'm not convinced they are anywhere close to earning that privilege.
Do any of the Washington government crowd DESERVE a raise? I'm not convinced they are anywhere close to earning that privilege.
MSgt (Join to see)
What they deserve is this - everyone currently holding office should be voted out at the next election. Also, change the terms to one - maybe that way they will try to do their best to show that they did what they were voted in for.
CPT Richard Riley
MSG Since the constitution (with amendments) allocates two terms for president, I could permit two terms for a congressman but not go beyond that.
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