Posted on Sep 3, 2015
How do you feel about Sean Naylor's book about JSOC?
Sean Naylor (author) has successfully exploited JSOC as a personal commercial enterprise by publishing a book. "relentless strike".
A movie is sure to follow-
A movie is sure to follow-
Posted >1 y ago
Responses: 3
I don't understand how the books profits haven't been seized yet. Do they not sign a statement of non-disclosure in JSOC? I remember signing one before that said anything I write in the next 80 years concerning operations of the unit would be forfeited to the US government.
As long as it portrays JSOC in a good light, I don't mind. The public need to be educated, and a book is probably better than a movie!
PO2 Skip Kirkwood
Fiction? If this was a documentary (non-fiction) and not properly vetted, I would have concerns. But there are plenty of novels based on experiences of folks from SGT to GEN that don't compromise anything. I was appalled when I read "Hunt for Red October" when it first came out, then realized that all that highly classified stuff from the 70s had become public domain by the 80s. Period.
Any time something like this is released I'm sure many cringe. Hopefully this was vetted through more channels than identified.
The one thing I will say is his personal experience is all he would have to draw on so that part shouldn't necessarily be held against him. It also potentially serves as a JSOC marketing tool if used correctly.
The one thing I will say is his personal experience is all he would have to draw on so that part shouldn't necessarily be held against him. It also potentially serves as a JSOC marketing tool if used correctly.
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