Posted on Aug 24, 2015
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From: The Inquirer

US Marine Pfc. Joseph Scott Pemberton admitted on Monday that he choked Jennifer Laude after learning that she was also a “man.”

Pemberton made the admission during the hearing on Laude’s murder at the Olongapo City Regional Trial Court Branch 74.

Pemberton strangled and dragged Laude after discovering that she was a transgender, Laude family lawyer Harry Roque told reporters.

In his testimony, Pemberton said that on Oct. 11, 2014, he went to the mall and several bars as part of his “liberty time.”

After going to several bars, he went back to the mall and later went to Ambyanz Resto Bar where he met “two women,” one whom was Laude.

He said Laude and the other unidentified woman went with him to Cellzone Lodge where one of the women performed oral sex on him.

After the woman left, Pemberton and Laude were left alone inside the hotel room, where Laude also began performed oral sex on him.

During the sex act, Pemberton said, he reached down between Laude’s legs and discovered that his sex partner had a penis.

According to Pemberton, he got angry–feeling that he was being raped by another man.

The American said he pushed Laude but the latter retaliated by slapping him.
Pemberton said he then choked Laude.

When he saw that she was no longer moving, he dragged her to the comfort room where he poured water on Laude in the hopes of reviving her.

Last May, Philippine National Police medico-legal officer and pathologist Dr. Maritess Ombao testified that Laude died due to strangulation and asphyxia by drowning.

Pemberton is accused of killing Laude, who was found dead in a bathroom of a motel in Olongapo City.

A bellboy identified Pemberton as the companion of Laude before her body was found.

The murder complaint was filed December last year.

Pemberton is currently detained at the JUSMAG facility inside the Armed Forces of the Philippines’ headquarters at Camp Aguinaldo in Quezon City.
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Responses: 15
SFC Mark Merino
Edited 9 y ago
Here's a tip. Don't get drunk and take a perfect stranger to a hotel and get blown in a hotel within a few hours of meeting anyone. The chances of getting into any kind of trouble goes up dramatically, don't you think? They need to amend those 'sex consent' cards to include 'do you have a penis/vagina/both. Common sense also dictates that if you are hiding the fact that you have a surprise in your pants and you pick up a drunk a couple hours after meeting them, there is a excellent chance of getting your ass beat.
LTC David Brown
LTC David Brown
3 y
I heard about a case a few years back where a fellow who was “ transitioning “ had his upper 1/2 finished and was preforming second acts to get the lower 1/2 finished. One of the customers found a “ suprise” and knifed the individual. Both sides are taking a big risk.
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MSgt Curtis Ellis
Not to justify what happened, however, Ms Laude had a responsibility to inform PFC Pemberton that she was a transgender male, furthermore, PFC Pemberton had a reasonable expectation that who he was with was female... Ms Laude had more than ample opportunity to inform PFC Pemberton, but CHOSE not to. Again, not justifying anything, but all things being considered, Ms Laude did, in fact, play a participant in her murder. The only one who had nothing to hide in this encounter, was PFC Pemberton. I'm sure Ms Laude had to have known something negative would happen if this was discovered by PFC Pemberton, maybe not murder, but something, and this should be considered in PFC Pemberton's case.
MSgt Curtis Ellis
MSgt Curtis Ellis
9 y
CPT (Join to see) - I agree, no one deserved to die because of who or what they are, and it's terrible that someone had to, But should the victim have, at least, told the Marine that she was transgender before beginning anything sexual? Again, it does not give him the right to murder, but neither does it give her the right to be deceptive. Two wrongs doesn't make a right, and two wrongs occurred... unfortunately, so did only one death...
CPT Company Commander
CPT (Join to see)
9 y
MSgt Curtis Ellis - yes; actions and consequences
SPC K Webb
SPC K Webb
9 y
Penis = he, to me. A transgender 'female' with a penis is a man who likes pretending to be a woman. I'll refer to them as their correct biological birth sex 'male'. That's just me, though.
MSgt Curtis Ellis
MSgt Curtis Ellis
9 y
SPC K Webb - Agreed, but in order to ensure the audience is aware of which "he" we are speaking about without having to use proper names all the time, in this particular case, it's much easier just to use what they identify as for the purpose of identity and clarification, and to use one that isn't derogatory to ensure a deeper and meaningful conversation with those who may identify the same. Wouldn't you agree?
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LCDR Deputy Department Head
Edited 9 y ago
ABSOLUTELY does not excuse his actions so consider the next comment separate, he is guilty of murder.

His partner however had an obligation to not try to pass herself off as anatomically female, an assumption that can almost be guaranteed that the man made. It was also a reasonable assumption and she did not help him to realize it wasn't true.

Again this in no way validates murder.
LTC Michael Murphy
LTC Michael Murphy
9 y
"His partner however had an obligation to not try to pass HIMSELF off as anatomically female ..."
PVT Andrew Burd
PVT Andrew Burd
9 y
yeah can we stop calling dudes "she" please... for fuck's sake stop this ridiculous mollycoddling.
CH (CPT) Heather Davis
CH (CPT) Heather Davis
9 y
This generation is too politically correct, take into consideration that his core beliefs about what he was taught were violated. He was manipulated and if he would have been a female would have it been a different story?
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