Posted on Aug 20, 2015
What benefits follow a SPC if they ETS after just their first enlistment?
So I am a SPC and when I joined the Army I came in with the intention just to do 4 years because I had always wanted to do a service to my country and for the Vets that died for me. I am still getting out and have 1 year left. Is there any benefits at all that I will take with me when I go other than my G I Bill?
Posted >1 y ago
Responses: 7
if you go for civil service jobs, there are hiring points for Vets. In federal civil service, vacation time earned is based on longevity - 4 hrs/ pay period up to 3 yrs( about 14 days/yr) 6hrs/ pay period up to 16 years (about 28 days/ yr) If you hire on civil service with 4 yrs active duty, you're starting at 6hrs/ pay period, and civil service who started straight from civilian will be jealous, sorry if I'm clear as mud here but most civil services are based on that, so police, fire, school district, city, county, state, federal jobs, and your 4 years active duty will count towards retirement in those jobs.
I'm a retired Nat'l Guard Technician, and my parents are retired teachers and Dad's 3 yrs in the army counted for his teachers retirement
I'm a retired Nat'l Guard Technician, and my parents are retired teachers and Dad's 3 yrs in the army counted for his teachers retirement
The gi bill is huge. You also get a bunch of unemployment benefits. The VA hospitals. VA home/business loan. If you have rough times the VA will give you 500 or 1000 dollars once a year with proof on a 1st come 1st serve basis.
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