Posted on Aug 19, 2015
Interesting take on integrating with the Civilian Community.
A well worthwhile read. Interest what you all think.
Posted >1 y ago
Responses: 4
Interesting yes, but I don't know if I agree with all of the article's points. I don't think anyone who has been off active duty for more than a couple years truly believes they are "better" than their civilian counter-parts...However, I often STILL encounter civilian peers who believe THEY are better. Huge misconceptions regarding our training and experience leads to an unspoken combination of "fear and loathing" I believe. Add in the more recent focus on "individualism" in the civilian work force, and it's very hard not to draw comparisons that often lead to negative stereotypes. I think it's best to view our military experiences as something that sets us apart...while keeping in mind there are other "experiences" our peers value as well.
Excellent way to meet your neighbors and possibly dismiss any negative thoughts they may have about the military.
A good read and I think it's somewhat accurate not for all, but a lot of military, especially when you see those who have spent over half of their lives in the military, me for example. I went in at 17 in 1982, and retired 26 years later in 2008. Not saying this is the case with everyone, but reintegration into the civilian community afterwards wasn't easy, as most civilians thought I was too "abrasive". I used the VFW and the AL to bridge and understand this gap as they did many things in the community and dealt with civilians on a day to day basis, and most, if not all, were prior military. It assisted my transition and acceptance much easier as well as exposed me to the civilian community as indicated in this article. I hadn't given it that much thought until now. Thank you for posting! :)
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