Posted on Mar 31, 2014
Who was the best leader you've ever known...and why? What made them great?
With all the talk of toxic leadership, it seems there isn't enough talk about the other kind. That ONE leader who is the example that you looked at and wanted to be like. My first Battalion Commander, my third Company Commander...both of those guys fit the bill. They had an air of confidence, a committment that was unquestioned and the charisma to bring their brilliance to bear. Who was it...and why? What made you want to follow them to the gates of hell?
Posted 11 y ago
Responses: 11
<p>CSM (retired) William Burns!!</p><p> </p><p>As my 1SG in HHT 1-4 CAV when I was a PFC and SPC. He came in and turned that troop upside down. He was the number one NCO in my career that I wanted to emulate and be exactly like him. He was hard and fair, but was also knowledgeable on just about any and everything Army, as well as life in general. I learned so much as a young Soldier from him and what an NCO should be and look like. </p>
For me it would be LTC Ernest "Rock" Marcone, my Bn Cdr during OIF. He trained his Bn with a common sense approach to what we would be facing when we crossed the berm, was confident without being arrogant, trusted his young Officers and NCOs and possessed the warfighters mentality that allowed us to close with, fight and destroy every enemy unit we came into contact with from Kuwait to Baghdad. His enthusiasm, charisma and toughness was contagious! Speed and Power!
My first PL. He genuinely cared about his soldiers. He always came around to check on us and find out what was going on in our lives. He'd go to pretty great lengths to work with us on issues.
Also, my first SCO, then LTC, now MG Anthony Ierardi. He made it a point to know everyone in that Squadron. I found him to be very charismatic and motivational and he wasn't one of those guys that does things to "show" he cared. He actually did care.
Also, my first SCO, then LTC, now MG Anthony Ierardi. He made it a point to know everyone in that Squadron. I found him to be very charismatic and motivational and he wasn't one of those guys that does things to "show" he cared. He actually did care.
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