Posted on Aug 16, 2015
The Clinton scandal deepens. How much more before she withdraws as a presidential candidate?
Responses: 9
It will take another serious Dem candidate to knock her out of the race. She will brazen it out until she is bested by someone else; even felony charges won't get her to voluntarily quit.
Sgt Kelli Mays
she won't with draw until they drag her away kicking and screaming and that will never happen...unfortunately
Capt Seid Waddell
Sgt Kelli Mays, the Dem leadership is looking for a replacement, fearing what has yet to be disclosed.
Col Joseph Lenertz
Agreed. She will deny, delay, and obfuscate the truth forever. Even if she loses the primary, she will claim unfairness and blame others to her dying day.
As 'damaged' as she is, she is still the Democrat's presumptive nominee and there are those that will stick by her no matter what ...
It’s too late for Democrats to start rethinking Clinton’s 2016 viability
Despite doubts about her on the trust front, there’s little hope now for a workable alternative
MCPO Roger Collins
I someplace that about 30% of the voters vote by party as the primary reason. If that is true, and even with the Independents (whatever that is) that vote more for the Democrat candidate, in the past. She will become the candidate, and IMO win, unless the Republicans choose well in their selection for P/VP. Even with the security scandal, along with all the others, nothing has been proven and tried. It will be up to the AG to decide how to proceed with the latest scandal, wonder how that will turn our.
Between DT & HC there aren't too many candidates left to hate this election cycle. DT is a Nazi, a fascist, mob boss, bigot and woman-hater with small hands. HC engineered Benghazi, lied outright to the American people about it; disclosed top secret material to the enemies of the country, and is on the payroll of Wall Street bankers. So far nothing has been uncovered to prove HC was breaking any law and none of the many agencies investigating her at taxpayers expense have built enough of a case to formally charge her, get her indicted, tried, convicted and locked away once and for good. Until then political enemies on both sides continue to name call in the most alarming and shameful manner hoping at least a few people will swallow the poopy. Unlikely she will ever withdraw and if elected then locked up, wonder who her VP will be.
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