Posted on Aug 16, 2015
CPO Astac Wti
On uss last ship, i was unoffically chosen as a mentor to a fellow E-5. He was struggling with some life issues I'm not getting into on here and some professional issues. Shortly before I left, he did a roundturn and started to shine. So being his mentor I convinced the CoC to send him to ASTAC school (i was leaving and the ship needed a replacement). After I left they sent him. While staying in contact with me and trying to coach him through, he failed out. Mind you the attrition rate at this school is above 80%.

Well after I picked up first class he officialy became my mentee. The command decided to send him back to the school. He talked to me almost every day, getting him through. Proud to say I am attending his graduation ceremony on Monday.

To me this is a source of Personal and Professional pride knowing that I had an impact on his life and his career.

Has any other NCOs/leaders had a similar personal experience?
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Responses: 10
CMSgt James Nolan
CPO (Join to see) It absolutely is. The success of the folks that you work with and train is, while for the most part theirs to enjoy, also a matter worthy of reflection and inner pride for yourself. When you can help someone achieve, you should feel a sense of accomplishment. It is our job to train our replacements to be better than we were. Good job. The bonus is that he will hopefully be a stronger NCO for having struggled.
CPO Astac Wti
CPO (Join to see)
>1 y
I took the advice I received from my first Command Master Chief to heart. He always said "Success without struggle is often fruitless. The tools of leadership often come from personal struggle and overcoming those obstacles." It's something I always pass on.
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SSgt Quality Assurance Evaluator
Edited >1 y ago
Good on you CPO (Join to see), way to be a good mentor.

Last year, 2 of my first troops made SSgt on their first attempt. I contacted both of them to congratulate them, and both responded thanking me for the mentorship I gave them and helping them get to this point. I will admit that I teared up with pride. Somehow I felt more pride in their accomplishment than I did when I myself attained the very same rank.

Now, I have to hurry up and make the next rank. I CAN'T let them surpass me lol. Busting my butt studying for E6 using this as my motivation.
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CMSgt Mark Schubert
I think it's definitely both - and this is a gift that everyone has to some degree (we can all help others in some way) and you seem to have excelled with this case - good for you! Focus on improving your skill set and perhaps leading, mentoring and guiding others to new and higher heights! Keep up the good work!

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