Posted on Jan 23, 2025
Lt Col Privileged Advanced Practice Nurse
Scroll has been pending approval for a year. Member is missing out on over $2K each month promtion is delayed.
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COL Randall C.
I'm a bit confused by the way you laid out the question. A member is going though FEDREC (for a promotion) but missed another promotion board because it hasn't been approved yet? If so that's a fast promotion track...

To your specific question, has the individual been scrolled and FEDREC for the scroll has been delayed or has the delay happened prior to that and they haven't been scrolled yet?

If the former, then the best you're going to get is the status off of the G1 portal. The solace the member can take is that the changes in the law from NDAA 2023 (became law 12/23/2022) require the DOR be adjusted to no later than 100 days from when the State submitted the packet to, and it was accepted by, NGB (10 USC 14308(f)*).

This assumes that the delay was not the fault of the officer involved and they would receive backpay to their effective DOR ... IF the officer is billeted in the higher ranking position (which is required if they were submitted for a UVP).

If the later, then that's a state issue and you'll need to talk to your State's G1 about the delay.
* 10 U.S. Code § 14308 (Promotions and Retention of Officers on the Reserve Active-Status List: how made) -
Lt Col Privileged Advanced Practice Nurse
Lt Col (Join to see)
1 mo
Thank you. Sorry for the confusion. Here is the specific information regarding. "Officer has been removed from the CY24B Capt Process eligibility listing due to not having been issued their original ResAF appointment Federal Recognition: Members name- member scroll in progress, A1PO can issue Fed Rec upon scroll approval. Once member has Fed Rec issued, they will be added to the next Process in which they become eligible to meet. There will be a delay in getting promoted; however, their DOR/ Eff DOR (pay) will be backdated to 2 years TIG".
Based on this information, who would I contact for the member's scroll approval?
COL Randall C.
COL Randall C.
1 mo
Lt Col (Join to see) - A1PO is the ANG Officer Program Branch at NGB (NGB/A1PO) and they should have insight on where it's at and what's happening with it.

That's the 'who'. As for the 'how' if you don't know the secret smoke signals that the Air Force uses (I sure don't), the closest I found to contact information is an e-mail from an ANG meo in 2023 - [login to see] .mil. You can reach out and ask if they will put you in contact with the right individual (i.e., right church, but probably wrong pew).
Lt Col Privileged Advanced Practice Nurse
Lt Col (Join to see)
1 mo
Thank you
MSgt Electrical Power Production
MSgt (Join to see)
1 mo
MSG (Join to see) - Amen brother!
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LCDR Anthony Craft
Has your member tried contacting their direct supervisor and their unit's personnel office? If that doesn't work, escalating it to higher command might be necessary. Someone in the personnel system is clearly dropping the ball.
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