Posted on Aug 15, 2015
COL Mikel J. Burroughs
Why is there a Panic that America’s Next Big Financial Crisis is Coming Soon?

4 Billionaires are Extremely Worried that America’s Next Big Financial Crisis is Coming Soon

Is this just propaganda to get you to read their books, articles, or published solutions?

What do the financial experts think on RallyPoint?
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Responses: 16
PO3 Brendan "Smitty" Smith
Edited >1 y ago
1) Currency instability. The dollar is week, inflation is high and now even China is devaluing their currency.

2) Quantitative Easing. The FED pumped so much money into the stock and bond markets that they were artificially inflated, while at the same time weakening the dollar. This can not sustain itself and there will be a market correction.

3) Oil Speculation. While the increased oil production is great for the price at the pump, the reality of oil at $50/barrel rather than $90/barrel will have major consequences for countries whose economy are dependent on high oil prices. Russia and Iran for example. If a collapse happens in a country as big as Russia, it will have far reaching economic consequences.
CPT Jack Durish
CPT Jack Durish
>1 y
PO3 Brendan "Smitty" Smith You obviously have way too much time on your hands to be keeping so well abreast of this. I think I'll call your commanding officer. I'm sure there are some bilges that need cleaning...
SPC Americo Garcia
SPC Americo Garcia
>1 y
Cause the Media wants us to panic and create a crisis for the government. Only way to bring down the system is from the inside.
1SG Financial Advisor
1SG (Join to see)
>1 y
Exactly Garcia. Brendon I would have to disagree some. Inflation is at historic lows and the dollar is
strong. Where did you get that from?
LTC Julie Winston
LTC Julie Winston
>1 y
Inflation has been below average since 2008 and is currently .1%.
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LTC Julie Winston
Any reputable Financial Advisor would not be able to comment on a blog about this. :) against compliance policy.
COL Mikel J. Burroughs
COL Mikel J. Burroughs
>1 y
LTC Julie Winston Good to know - thank you for letting us know!
TSgt Christopher D.
TSgt Christopher D.
>1 y
I appreciate that comment, LTC Julie Winston . I'm a financial advisor (series 7 & 66), and here's what I know I can say: markets move up and down. One of the better ways to mitigate market risk is to invest in quality companies across all sectors according to your goals and tolerance for risk. Don't let your emotions trump statistical proof regarding the long-term return of investing... and someone else beat me to this, but if or when a correction occurs (10% or more drop, be prepared to buy more of those quality investments while they're trading cheap.
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Capt Jeff S.
Edited >1 y ago
I don't think it is propaganda. For decades we have had a reckless fiscal agenda of government spending and we allowed the Federal Reserve to operate without even so much as being audited. Mind you, the Federal Reserve Act was passed when most of Congress was gone and basically abdicated responsibility of our monetary policy to a private multinational group of banksters. The Federal Reserve is no more Federal than Federal Express.

Since the creation of the Federal Reserve our nation has steadily become a debtor nation--which is exactly what they want. The Federal Reserve has a good thing going: they maintain a balance of zero dollars invested. They don't make loans to the U.S. Government with their money; they create and hold on to OUR money, lend it back to us, and THEY charge us interest on the loan! How does that work?!!!

The Federal Reserve has never been fully audited and can't account for about 9 trillion dollars. That is almost HALF our national debt!!!

Our government has decoupled our dollars from gold and silver standards and its value today is ONLY what people think it is worth. The ONLY reason it is worth anything is because it is the World Reserve Currency.

So how does that benefit us? Well, when countries want to buy oil, it has to be done in USD. When we want oil, we can just print money to buy it. We don't have to exchange our currency and are insulated from having to come to terms with a currency that has nothing of intrinsic value backing it up. Consequently we get our oil CHEAP compared to the rest of the world. The other nations have figured this out and they are getting tired of being ripped off so countries like Russia and China are pressuring the World Bank to drop the USD as the World Reserve Currency and replace it with another that is backed up at least partially by gold and other commodities that have real intrinsic value. It may be a new standard ORRR a standard based on some combination of other currencies that are partially backed by gold. China and India have been buying gold and rumor has it that the gold we had at Fort Knox isn't all there... And the gold we held for safe keeping for other countries isn't there either. If Germany were to ask us to give them all the gold they entrusted to us for safekeeping, we would not be able to come up with it. We would have to scrounge and buy gold on the market to put it all together. Suffice it to say America 's honor and international reputation isn't what it used to be.

We have been playing a Ponzi scheme with the rest of the world and they are getting tired of getting fleeced. When the World Bank drops the USD as the World Reserve Currency, our economy is going to tank. We will have to convert our worthless dollars to the new standard in order to buy and sell oil on the international market and that means the price of oil will go up along with the cost of everything that is in any way dependent on the price of oil, whether it be manufactured from oil or transported... It takes oil to do that.

Compounding our problems is the burden of national debt that has grown astronomically large. How big is 18 trillion? Well if you were to stretch dollar bills end to end, they would go to the sun and back 9.5 times! Soon we will hit 20 trillion and it isn't much beyond that that our GDP won't be able to sustain the interest payments.

Thomas Jefferson was not against borrowing. After all he made the Louisiana Purchase. BUT! He warned against borrowing too much and wrote that every generation should be responsible for the debt it incurs and should NOT pass on the burden of debt to future generations. Well, I guess we blew that!

Our day is coming when we will have to reckon with those whom we owe money. We are being prepped to lose our sovereignty to others.
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