Posted on Aug 15, 2015
Dual BAH, how does it work when you're in two different Geographical areas?
My spouse is stationed at Fort Stewart and he is getting promoted to e-6 soon. Since he will start getting BAH, does that mean I will also get BAH? I am at Fort Campbell.
Posted >1 y ago
Responses: 4
Generally speaking you receive BAH in lieu of Quarters.
As someone who had an Active Duty Spouse, we both received BAH (at Without Dependents rate) when we were co-located. If he moves from Quarters, he gets BAH (at Without Dependents rate), while you will still be in Quarters. Remember, you are NOT his dependent.
As someone who had an Active Duty Spouse, we both received BAH (at Without Dependents rate) when we were co-located. If he moves from Quarters, he gets BAH (at Without Dependents rate), while you will still be in Quarters. Remember, you are NOT his dependent.

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