Posted on Sep 3, 2022
SPC Motor Transport Operator
88ms at FORT LEONARDWOOD, what is your daily life like there. What type of unit are you in. I’m looking to work on school while active duty, how hard is that to do at FLW? What is the work tempo like. My reenlist window opens up next month and I am looking to stay 88m to put food on the table, however I’m looking for a work tempo that allows for me to do school so I can go green to gold. I was told FLW is a good shout for this.
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Responses: 4
MSG Intermediate Care Technician
Just like any other assignment, this will literally depend on your unit of assignment. I mean, half that base is practically TRADOC land. You have Basic training elements, OSUT training elements, MP AIT, CBRN AIT, and all the other non-TRADOC elements.

One question I have is: Why are you needing to attend school to eventually go Green to Gold?
CPT Lawrence Cable
CPT Lawrence Cable
>1 y
I actually don't know of any non-TRADOC unit on the Post. Even Benning had part of the 75th, the 167th and for a period, a Brigade of the 10th Mountain.
MSG Intermediate Care Technician
MSG (Join to see)
>1 y
CPT Lawrence Cable - Well, you have the hospital there. That's about the only one I can think of. It has been 26 years since I was last there
CPT Lawrence Cable
CPT Lawrence Cable
>1 y
MSG (Join to see) - Been about 30 for me. I branch Transferred to the Engineers right after they had moved from Belvoir to Ft. Leonard Wood. The facilities for EAOC were outstanding and brand new at the time. Best quarters I had in the Army.

I liked the post. It is kind of out in the middle of nothing (still better than Ft. Riley), but the post facilities at the time were pretty good, they had a nice recreation area on Lake of the Ozarks that was cheap, and if you got desperate for a big city, it wasn't horrible far back to the suburbs of St. Louis.
MSG Intermediate Care Technician
MSG (Join to see)
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CPT Lawrence Cable I signed a Dec Statement after coming down on orders to Riley
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CPT Staff Officer
I would recommend every young soldier feel our their chain of command and work schedule before they commit to college classes.

Then......... I'd recommend to chip away at those most transferable foundation courses with the intent to knock out a year's worth of base line required foundation course work that can be transferred to just about any major and any school.

Then, when one is free and clear of their active duty military obligation the GI bill should be more than enough to see them through to graduation as a full time student without having to worry about anything else.
SP5 Retired
SP5 (Join to see)
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CPT (Join to see) SPC (Join to see) GReat advice. In the process look at what courses you can CLEP. That approach saves time and money while building credit hours.
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