Posted on Aug 13, 2015
"'Oath Keepers' armed with military weapons take to streets of Ferguson"
From: Metro
Four civilians carrying military-style rifles and sidearms patrolled a riot-torn street in Ferguson, Missouri, early Tuesday, saying they were there to protect a media organization but drawing swift criticism from police and protesters alike.
The appearance of the four men, all white, quickly drew stares in the mostly black neighborhood, which exploded into violence again on Sunday night as protesters marked the police killing of an unarmed black teen a year ago.
The men identified themselves as part of a group called "Oath Keepers," which describes itself as an association of current and former U.S. soldiers and police who aim to protect the U.S. Constitution.
The Southern Poverty Law Center, a non-profit civil rights organization, has described the "Oath Keepers" as a "fiercely anti-government, militaristic group," and St. Louis County Police Chief Jon Belmar condemned their appearance in Ferguson.
"Their presence was both unnecessary and inflammatory," he said, adding that police would work with county prosecutors to see if the men had broken any laws.
Led by a man who gave his name only as John, the group, whose members wore bulletproof vests and carried sidearms in addition to combat-style rifles, said they had come to protect a journalist from the conservative "" Web site.
"There were problems here, there were people who got hurt. We needed to be prepared for that," said the man, who noted that Missouri state laws generally allow the open carrying of heavy weapons of the kind that his group were brandishing.
InfoWars could not be reached for immediate comment.
Ferguson has seen months of violent protest since the fatal shooting of 18-year-old Michael Brown by a white police officer a year ago. Sunday night's protests were punctuated by gunfire, with police shooting and critically wounding a man who they said had opened fire on them.
Monday's protests were less chaotic, with about nine people arrested in skirmishes with police that saw protesters throw rocks and bottles at officers.
But many in the crowd questioned the wisdom of openly carrying such heavy weapons into an emotionally charged situation.
"You’re going to bring some uncommissioned citizens, white citizens, into a black community like this? It's disrespectful," said Talal Ahmad, 30, who is black and has been a fixture of the last year's protests, which prompted a Justice Department review that found Ferguson's police department routinely violated city residents' civil rights.
"Here, in a black neighborhood, we’re already living in a state of terror," Ahmad said.
Four civilians carrying military-style rifles and sidearms patrolled a riot-torn street in Ferguson, Missouri, early Tuesday, saying they were there to protect a media organization but drawing swift criticism from police and protesters alike.
The appearance of the four men, all white, quickly drew stares in the mostly black neighborhood, which exploded into violence again on Sunday night as protesters marked the police killing of an unarmed black teen a year ago.
The men identified themselves as part of a group called "Oath Keepers," which describes itself as an association of current and former U.S. soldiers and police who aim to protect the U.S. Constitution.
The Southern Poverty Law Center, a non-profit civil rights organization, has described the "Oath Keepers" as a "fiercely anti-government, militaristic group," and St. Louis County Police Chief Jon Belmar condemned their appearance in Ferguson.
"Their presence was both unnecessary and inflammatory," he said, adding that police would work with county prosecutors to see if the men had broken any laws.
Led by a man who gave his name only as John, the group, whose members wore bulletproof vests and carried sidearms in addition to combat-style rifles, said they had come to protect a journalist from the conservative "" Web site.
"There were problems here, there were people who got hurt. We needed to be prepared for that," said the man, who noted that Missouri state laws generally allow the open carrying of heavy weapons of the kind that his group were brandishing.
InfoWars could not be reached for immediate comment.
Ferguson has seen months of violent protest since the fatal shooting of 18-year-old Michael Brown by a white police officer a year ago. Sunday night's protests were punctuated by gunfire, with police shooting and critically wounding a man who they said had opened fire on them.
Monday's protests were less chaotic, with about nine people arrested in skirmishes with police that saw protesters throw rocks and bottles at officers.
But many in the crowd questioned the wisdom of openly carrying such heavy weapons into an emotionally charged situation.
"You’re going to bring some uncommissioned citizens, white citizens, into a black community like this? It's disrespectful," said Talal Ahmad, 30, who is black and has been a fixture of the last year's protests, which prompted a Justice Department review that found Ferguson's police department routinely violated city residents' civil rights.
"Here, in a black neighborhood, we’re already living in a state of terror," Ahmad said.
Posted >1 y ago
Responses: 24
Honestly I say fuck leave them alone. If they did not break any laws what does it matter. Did they point their rifles at anybody did they shoot anybody did they loot anything no. Sounds like they were hired by a press organization for protection and now days down there I can't blame an independent press organization for hiring some protection.
Yes, it's disrespectful for white citizens to enter a black community, but I'm sure if the roles were reversed the white citizens would still be the disrespectful party. Can we get a news source that doesn't try to inflame racial tensions?
Cpl Westin Sandberg
I also love how the individual calling the whites entering the black neighborhood "disrespectful" seems to be a black muslim, who admittetly was a key leader in last years "protests". So by all means, the terrorist, who is leading the charge in furgeson to destroy buisinessses and incite fear (literraly terrorism by definition) is calling a group of white armed citizens, whoms only restricion in ROE is in defense of life and propperty "Disrespectful" why does this sound exactly like something you would hear about on the Al Jazira website?
SPC S Meeder
SSG John Thornton - It has everything to do with this story seeing as how this is about Ferguson and the anniversary of the Brown shooting you ignorant sob and I was not referring to armed blacks being shot, talking about all of the other unarmed citizens getting shot. Just how dumb are you, how the hell did you make E6?
Now answer my question or go play the victim somewhere else.
Now answer my question or go play the victim somewhere else.
SGT John Turner
SSG John Thornton - If they would be killed as you say, then why are armed Black Panthers in Waller, Texas marching and calling for policemen to be killed, and no one has killed them. Dumbass.
Here we see yet again no clear answer to the situation that engulfs the city of Ferguson. These men probably did more harm than good walking into the area without proper credentials with military style weapons into the already explosive neighborhood. I think it is yet again another example of good intentions, bad execution. One thing I find ironic is that according to their website, they don't believe in establishing material law or states of emergencies. Yet they go into this area, which has been a powder keg for some many different issues over the past year, with weapons drawn. What image does that give? Just seems like a way to put more gas on the fire and doesn't result in a good outcome for anyone.
SSgt (Join to see)
Nothing in the story said anything about weapons drawn. As for why they had weapons I would say that a patern of looting and violence has already been set. Now if they want nothing to do with the police who is going to keep the peace? Someone will try and take the lead/control when you push the peace keepers out. I have not heard anything about a community watch or something to fill in as a intermediate police force. When they do something to fix the crime and violence I will see a reason not to carry a weapon. When you push the police out and away who do you want to come in and maintain order? The military? The biggest problem that I see in some of these communities is that by fear they protect the criminal elements. This is not just in black communities either. Yes we need to do something about the police being pushed in to the role of collecting the confascated money and making it a case of us vs them. We also need to look at the fact that communities protect the criminals becouse they do not want to be a snitch or the fear what will happen if they talk. People complain about the state of things around them but they do nothing to change it. They are as much of the problem as the cops they object to.
SPC Robby Robinson
As an Oath Keeper myself, I agree that our presence with the journalists was not a good idea. We should have limited our presence as we did with our first foray into Ferguson, which was to protect businesses (at the request of business owners)
SPC Robby Robinson
Let me take this a bit further. Going in to Ferguson the way my brethren did, was NOT conducive for anything other than us looking to stir the pot and the, "Hey look at me" crowd.
Walking the streets of Ferguson in full kit is nothing but BAD. Providing a security element for a strictly defensive posture (at the request of local business owners) whilst controversial, provided protection for local business owners that local law enforcement as well as our NG brethren were NOT providing. But to be out (full kit) on the streets of Ferguson gave the impression of an offensive posture and wholly unacceptable.
With regard to the Kim Davis debacle where our leader offered to provide personal security to prevent Mrs. Davis from being taken into custody, I am sorry but regardless that I am an Oath Keeper, seriously trying to impede federal agents from effecting an arrest, and armed to the teeth at that, is a one way ticket to getting smoke checked or in prison.
Understand there are two distinct types of military veterans within the OK body. There are those who subscribe to the belief that InfoWars/Alex Jones are a viable news source. Then there are those of us who see InfoWars for exactly what it is, NONSENSE
Walking the streets of Ferguson in full kit is nothing but BAD. Providing a security element for a strictly defensive posture (at the request of local business owners) whilst controversial, provided protection for local business owners that local law enforcement as well as our NG brethren were NOT providing. But to be out (full kit) on the streets of Ferguson gave the impression of an offensive posture and wholly unacceptable.
With regard to the Kim Davis debacle where our leader offered to provide personal security to prevent Mrs. Davis from being taken into custody, I am sorry but regardless that I am an Oath Keeper, seriously trying to impede federal agents from effecting an arrest, and armed to the teeth at that, is a one way ticket to getting smoke checked or in prison.
Understand there are two distinct types of military veterans within the OK body. There are those who subscribe to the belief that InfoWars/Alex Jones are a viable news source. Then there are those of us who see InfoWars for exactly what it is, NONSENSE
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