Posted on Aug 12, 2015
1SG(P) 1st Sergeant
This is a short question but one with a very lengthy answer. Growing up, as children, we went out in the morning and didn't come home until dark. Our fathers owned weapons and we didn't touch them. Neighbors cared for one another and knew each other. We played "Army" and used BB guns (sometimes even shooting each other with them). We didn't have to fear of being abductedor worse. Adults could take their families out without having to keep eyes open in the back of their heads and the news reported news and not "end of the world" stories as they do now.

Times change, I get that. But something more has changed in our culture. So what do you think it is?
Posted in these groups: Corporate culture 492 CultureC92a59d8 Family
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Responses: 19
MSgt C Madd
Corrupt politicians, give me free stuff society, 2015 year of everything offends me, PC police run wild, no accountability for your actions, and I could go on. Embarrassed how people act and behave. I have become my grandfather, looking favorably to the good old days that have passed on forever.
1SG(P) 1st Sergeant
1SG(P) (Join to see)
9 y
You and I both
LCpl Mark Lefler
LCpl Mark Lefler
9 y
you don't like those things, but those aren't the reasons for more rape and murder and lack of safety in our society.
MSgt C Madd
MSgt C Madd
9 y
I believe lack of accountability and people not wanting to get involved for fear of individual or family backlash is the reason. Combined with other given reasons, yup.
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SFC Retired
Somewhere, someone in the last 20-30 years decided that the world owed them everything yet they gave nothing in return. People complained that it took too long for mail to get across town. People didn't like the fact that kids played outside unsupervised. People complained that schools celebrated Christian holidays. People became offended at the very mention of God. Welfare became a source of income for those too lazy to work. Those that really need it are too proud to ask for assistance. the news we see on TV is controlled by the liberals who are out to take away the very thing our forefathers fought and died for. The revolutionary war was about freedom of independence from a nation that controlled the very air we breathe. Those that took part in securing the freedom of the United States probably couldn't have imagined the way the world has turned out today.
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Sgt Aaron Kennedy, MS
Simply put "things got faster." Our ability to travel. Our ability to get information. Everything got faster.

As such, communities were much more local, more condensed, more "community." When you can move faster, you can travel farther, your world gets so much bigger.

Think bag to when you were a kid, before you had a bike. Your world was your neighborhood. When you got your bike, your world became how far you could make it to and be back before dark. When you got a car, it was how far you could go and be back before curfew. Now... how far can you travel using the roads, and what is there to see? The media is the same way.

I "believe" that is what happened.
Sarah Stephens
Sarah Stephens
11 mo
I believe there are many answers. I am old now but really now appreciate every person that ever served! I God bless everyone I see with any sign I see of service. I am listening to gorgeous music now that evokes me crying for my country! My Dad was in Navy, uncle in infantry got shot in back of head, survived. I saw the scar when I was a teenager and asked what caused it, my uncle by marriage was a fighter pilot! His squadron was going to bomb train but saw women and children, and aborted. Later, found out Hiter was on the train.
I am going to add another reason for decline. My last comment is technology has ruined us all even though there has been good. But think about evil or satan it gives good but in the end very bad! I will be gone but so worried about my family left.
There are geniuses in the “past” that have “predicted” technology will be man’s downfall. The brain that discovered AI was interviewed on 60 minutes is very concerned himself! His one fear is AI will become smarter than man! True, you may find that 60 minutes. It was on a date in October recently.
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