Posted on Jul 1, 2024
LTC Program Manager
I am a Reservist serving on an ADOS tour in Europe. I have been asked to extend, but my home unit is unsupportive and saying that I need to transfer to the IRR if I want to extend. I can't go IRR while on orders (mil cat code change); that would require a break in orders and then starting the approval process once the transfer goes through. I am considering a TPU to TPU transfer, that seems to be possible while on orders. Any ideas on how to find a unit that would be open to transferring in and then approving an extension?
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Responses: 2
COL Randall C.
Edited 8 mo ago
Your reserve unit shouldn't be giving you pushback under the Chief of Army Reserve's (CAR) new guidance.

The OLD guidance was that if a USAR Soldier was brought onto ADOS to support a unit other than one that is aligned with his Reserve Unit, then the Soldier would be transferred to the IRR in order to free up the slot they are blocking.

However, the CAR put out an update policy* in late 2020 which directs them to keep ADOS Soldiers assigned to the unit in an overstrength status rather than being transferred to the IRR (Soldiers on ADOS can have their ADOS orders terminated and be mobilized in support of the reserve unit if needed).
LTC Program Manager
LTC (Join to see)
8 mo
Sir, thank you for the info. I've seen the CAR's guidance, but my unit hasn't put me in an overstrength status and is simply saying they won't approve an extension. The home unit has pretty broad authority to not approve ADOS, but I can't get them to give me a reason
COL Randall C.
COL Randall C.
8 mo
LTC (Join to see) - Unfortunately you've summed it up in a nutshell. As the ADOS packet has to be generated and approved on the reserve component side, they have all the control.

As you said, they have pretty broad authority to approve or no and if they won't approve the ADOS extension, then you're between the rock and a hard place.

You could contact the POC for the CAR's policy letter and see if they have additional guidance about your situation - they might be able to pull a rabbit out of a hat (facilitate a transfer to another unit, have a discussion with your unit about the reason, etc).

I assume your ADOS orders are the usual FY to FY orders (end 30 SEP 24). I don't know if 90 days will be enough time to push a transfer through the system, but have you checked with the EUCOM Army Reserve Element or the 7th MSC* about transferring to a TPU there?
* 7th MSC - another note,
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CPT Staff Officer
Try getting transferred to a TDA unit. They can be very accommodating.
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