Posted on May 20, 2024
Joseph Ramirez
Unsure what to ask from my dr to send to my recruiter to get, well I assume a waiver for my toe nail? Dr thinks it’s athletes foot but informed her that I dropped a heavy pipe on my toe yrs back at work. No complications with my toe. Thanks in advance.
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Responses: 3
COL Randall C.
Did the MEPS actually say that you needed a waiver or are you assuming that you would need one?

Looking at the standards of medical fitness for entrance to the military*, the disqualifying conditions (section 6.18, para c) are focused on those that would prevent the proper wearing of military footwear or causes issues/impair walking, marching, running, maintaining balance, or jumping.

If the shape of your toe or the joint were impacted, that may be an issue, but if it's just a toe-nail discoloration, that shouldn't need a waiver.
* (Medical Standards for Military Service: Appointment, Enlistment, or Induction) - DoDI 6130.03-VI
Joseph Ramirez
Joseph Ramirez
4 mo
It’s toe nail discoloration and it grows back thick that is all. Thanks for the help again. I ask here because I like to use all my resources my recruiter straight out said if doesn’t know and I’m unsure if I can contact meps myself and ask them.
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MSG Intermediate Care Technician
IF....If you are informed by MEPS that you need to provide further documentation, you would be provided a list of medical documents the MEPS Providers will want/need to determine your eligibility. Based on what you said, one would venture a guess that MEPS is wanting to see xrays of your toe IOT ensure your toe will not complicate your ability to wear boots
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SSgt Christophe Murphy
Context and details matter. Nobody here know the intimate details to this other than you, your MEPS Doctor and your Recruiter. That's who your questions need to be addressed to.

So from your statement I am guessing you showed up to MEPs with a funky looking toe? It's the Docs job to identify things that aren't normal and point them out as a concern. Sounds like you should have said something to your recruiter and had your exam postponed until the swelling and bruising went away. You'll need a followup exam when your foot looks like a normal foot should. If the Doctor diagnosed potential athletes foot I don't see that a waiver would be an option because that's not really a long term condition to waive. Get your foot healthy and go back for a follow up. But you need to be going through your recruiter for this not us here.
Joseph Ramirez
Joseph Ramirez
4 mo
Thanks for the negative and informative feed back. I use all my resources whenever I don’t get a direct answer and the COL sent me the right information I can read over. Plus I did mention everything to my recruiter and he said nah your good go anyways so I did and the DOC there didn’t give me a straightforward answer on documentation she need for me to return or if my toe nail needed to be in a healthy state. Thanks again tho for the reply.
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