Posted on Aug 7, 2015
When is a demoted Soldier eligible for promotion?
I have a Soldier who was a SPC and demoted to PFC after a Field-Grade Article 15. This Article 15 was read and he began carrying out his punishment in December 2014 - January 2015. His flag was lifted around March 2015. My question is where the TIG for the new rank (E-3) begins, is it from the date of the reduction or the date of the flag being lifted? I am trying to determine when said Soldier would be eligible for promotion. I have not had any problems/issues with him and he is a hard-workers and great asset to the team, I don't want to see him forgotten. Thanks
Posted >1 y ago
Responses: 12
The reduction would establish a new date of rank from which time in grade would be calculated from. So barring any FLAGs or other impediments, the Soldier would be eligible 6 months from the effective date of reduction IAW AR 600-8-19.
SSG (Join to see)
That's was I thought too 1SG. Didn't see your post but it's the same thing I said.
CW2 Joseph Evans
1SG (Join to see) , MAJ Michael Moffeit ,
I remember there being some language associated with the article 15 requiring a 90 day review and/or a 180 day review that required a lift of all flags associated with the event or start immediate processing for separation if the service member failed to make appropriate behavioral adjustments. I thought it was worded in such a way that if a demotion was part of the punishment, at the end of the 180 days, you had to either promote to previous held rank (or return to promotable status) or start processing for separation...
Is my memory playing tricks on me, or does that language exist?
I remember there being some language associated with the article 15 requiring a 90 day review and/or a 180 day review that required a lift of all flags associated with the event or start immediate processing for separation if the service member failed to make appropriate behavioral adjustments. I thought it was worded in such a way that if a demotion was part of the punishment, at the end of the 180 days, you had to either promote to previous held rank (or return to promotable status) or start processing for separation...
Is my memory playing tricks on me, or does that language exist?
1SG (Join to see)
CW2 Joseph Evans, I believe you are referencing language that pertains to a Bar to Reenlistment.
I don't have the answer, lieutenant, but it's nice to see an officer going out of his way to care enough about his people to give them second chances.
MAJ Michael Moffeit If you have a 1SG... ask him.... They are the smartest cats in the Army. Like 1SG (Join to see) said.
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