Posted on Aug 6, 2015
CW5 Desk Officer
Now is the time: Uncle Sam wants YOU to be a counterintelligence agent! I was CI for 26 of my 30 years of active duty (and ten of my ten civilian years), and I thoroughly enjoyed it. Anyone out there considering this field? Anyone have experience in the field - good or bad experiences to share? Questions about the job? Here's a great place to share.
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Responses: 9
CW3 Jared Hickox
I've very much enjoyed my 18 years as a CI Agent and Technician. I do believe, however, mass recruitment via the Army Times is a bad move. While I understand the need to introduce new blood to our career field, we should do so through a concerted recruitment effort that is integrated into our CAP and TARP programs. I don't need another round of neck tattoo's showing up to my office asking to join my ranks. Hard to be professional that way.

For those that honestly want to join the CI Field. I suggest you do so knowing all of the facts. Right now, over half of the Army's CI SGT's are awaiting promotion to SSG. I think we've only promoted ~30 this year. Of the SSG's eligible for SFC, I think 6 or 7 were promoted. I'm trying to let you know that promotions are not easy to come by in our career field, so do not apply with the expectation that you will get promoted fast. You wont.

What you will get is a truly unique look at how the Army operates and insight into what it takes to secure our equities. In 18 years of being a CI Agent, I've not had a chance to see all that our MOS has to offer. This career field has many opportunities to conduct your wartime mission 24/7, 365 days a year, globally.
CW5 Desk Officer
CW5 (Join to see)
9 y
Excellent reply, CW3 Jared Hickox. Thanks. I've been retired from active duty for almost ten years, so I don't pay close attention to promotion rates.

I've been working as a CI guy since 1979, and I have enjoyed it. Learned and experienced an awful lot in that time.
CW3 Counterintelligence Technician
CW3 (Join to see)
7 y
Right now CI recruitment is bad across the board and we are doing a horrible job getting the word out (one of the reasons this article came out). We have already been told if we don't step up recruiting 35L's, then they will bring it back to 10-level Soldiers, which is a worse mistake in my opinion (and the majority opinion of other CI warrants too from what I've seen). CID is making us look bad as well, so much so, that on Fort Huachuca recently (the home of CI and CISAC), I drove around the post often while I was there, seeing countless posters and advertisements for E4/E5's to join CID, but not a single one for CI... On Fort Huachuca! I will say this, besides the apparent lag from promoting beyond SGT in the active duty (which they are starting to fix it seems or many just go CI warrant after 4-6 years), my time as a CI agent has been the best in my military career. Although I am proud of my time in the Infantry, I actually wish I had made the shift much earlier. When I went CI, I finally felt like I found my true calling in the Army.
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PO1 William "Chip" Nagel
Oh Hell, No, No, No. I rather like being a Retired Spook. No more worries about $10,000, 10 years in Jail. No more carrying a DIA Get out of Jail Free Card. No more people handing me plane tickets to weird places. No more Riding in Jeeps in C-141's, I'm good thank you. I like just being a Grandpa Now!.
1px xxx
Suspended Profile
>1 y
PO1 William "Chip" Nagel - Oh Hell, No, No, No!!! Of course, one always has to worried about being imprisoned forever, tortured, and/or killed for being suspected spy. Perhaps even worse things happen is you may be female. Warmest Regards, Sandy :)
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SGT Squad Leader
I have been incredibly interested in this MOS for some time now however, I recently PCS'ed to Ft. Myer, and I don't know if I'm even able to apply for the job since I just got to this duty station a few months ago.
CW5 Desk Officer
CW5 (Join to see)
9 y
Ask your retention NCO. And check out this week's Army Times cover. Counterintelligence made the front page!!
SGT Squad Leader
SGT (Join to see)
9 y
CW5 (Join to see) - I saw it and got really excited, the only problem is that I just reenlisted to come here and I doubt they'd let me leave here so soon.
SFC Platoon Sergeant
SFC (Join to see)
>1 y
I left a year after I arrived to my reenlistment station when I dropped my CI packet. It's possible.
CW3 Counterintelligence Technician
CW3 (Join to see)
7 y
Its definitely possible. CI is a critical need. Go to or call your local CI Field Office (902nd MI Group if in CONUS) for more information.
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