Just got orders to IPT to a Multi-Domain Task Force (MDTF). Does anyone know what this is or why a 31E (Corrections and Detention Specialist would do in a unit like this?
Posted 1 y ago
Responses: 3
Simply put, the A2/AD that MSG (Join to see) referenced is an opponents attempts to keep us, or limit us, from conducting operations in an area. The opponent will used integrated operations in all domains (air, land, maritime, space, and cyberspace) to deny, or restrict, our ability to operate before, leading up to, and during conflict - in other words, use integrated Multidomain Operations (MDO) against us.
To answer that, we also have to be able to integrate our operations in order to maintain our overmatch capabilities - The MDTF is the Army's answer to operating in MDO to disrupt the adversary and maintain our advantage during the spectrum of conflict. I could go into how a MDTF fits into it during the competition, crisis and conflict phases, but it might be easier if you read the Chief's paper* on it.
Like all tasks forces, the organization is structured to the mission. The MDTF is a theater level asset, but each will have to address detainee operations to one degree or another as they can have a significant impact during all three phases.
Now, specific to your question - anything is pure speculation (it's on par with, "I was just assigned to USAEUR - what would a 31E do in a unit like this?"), but I can easily see you working in plans and operations to lend expertise about detainee operations and how they could affect, or be affected, in MDO.
The TRADOC G-2 published a short paper* that discusses how the evolving operating environment will do that - suggest you give it a read.
* Army Chief of Staff Paper #1 (Army Multi-Domain Transformation) - https://api.army.mil/e2/c/downloads/2021/03/23/eeac3d01/20210319-csa-paper-1-signed-print-version.pdf
* Detainee Operations (A planning framework) - https://community.apan.org/wg/tradoc-g2/operational-environment-and-threat-analysis-directorate/m/documents/325704/download
To answer that, we also have to be able to integrate our operations in order to maintain our overmatch capabilities - The MDTF is the Army's answer to operating in MDO to disrupt the adversary and maintain our advantage during the spectrum of conflict. I could go into how a MDTF fits into it during the competition, crisis and conflict phases, but it might be easier if you read the Chief's paper* on it.
Like all tasks forces, the organization is structured to the mission. The MDTF is a theater level asset, but each will have to address detainee operations to one degree or another as they can have a significant impact during all three phases.
Now, specific to your question - anything is pure speculation (it's on par with, "I was just assigned to USAEUR - what would a 31E do in a unit like this?"), but I can easily see you working in plans and operations to lend expertise about detainee operations and how they could affect, or be affected, in MDO.
The TRADOC G-2 published a short paper* that discusses how the evolving operating environment will do that - suggest you give it a read.
* Army Chief of Staff Paper #1 (Army Multi-Domain Transformation) - https://api.army.mil/e2/c/downloads/2021/03/23/eeac3d01/20210319-csa-paper-1-signed-print-version.pdf
* Detainee Operations (A planning framework) - https://community.apan.org/wg/tradoc-g2/operational-environment-and-threat-analysis-directorate/m/documents/325704/download
You're gonna need a COL or higher from the Pentagon to explain this one. I looked this up and what I found was:
March 16, 2021 the Army describes the MultiDomain Task Force (MDTF) as “theater-level maneuver elements designed to synchronize precision effects and precision fires in all domains against adversary anti-access/area denial (A2/AD) networks in all domains, enabling joint forces to execute their operational plan (OPLAN)-directed roles"
That read like stereo instructions written in Sanskrit.
March 16, 2021 the Army describes the MultiDomain Task Force (MDTF) as “theater-level maneuver elements designed to synchronize precision effects and precision fires in all domains against adversary anti-access/area denial (A2/AD) networks in all domains, enabling joint forces to execute their operational plan (OPLAN)-directed roles"
That read like stereo instructions written in Sanskrit.
CPT (Join to see)
COL Randall C. - That's an easy one. Try to find a Multi Purpose Company. I am now commanding one.
COL Randall C.
CPT (Join to see) - Are you sure we're talking apples and apples? A company in the MDTF ≠ Multi Purpose Company.
We run detention operations everywhere we are deployed, you would seemingly perform the same functions and managing captives until their final destination is determined or the information gleaned is suitable. That part of course done by others. Anyway jail of some sort. Or could be on a theatre level staff establishing policy and procedure based on the mission.
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