Posted on Jan 18, 2024
What are the best (or worst) Safety briefs points you have heard / issued?
We've all been there. The long weekend / post-deployment / 24-hour liberty safety brief.
What are some of the points you have heard? I am looking for the great (wow, good point! I'm glad you mentioned that!) the groan (really? *that* is what you think we need to be worried about?) and the giggle (ways of making the same old stuff at least mildly entertaining).
Toward the end of my career, I tended to give the same safety brief every weekend, unless there were specific concerns...
Don't do nothin' stupid.
If you're not sure, call me. I'll tell you it's stupid.
If it's stupid and you do it anyway, call me as soon as possible so we can mitigate the effects of your stupidity.
And then I would call out 3-6 Soldiers by name (depending on how much time we had to kill) and have them name things...
PFC Smith, what's something stupid?
Drinking and hooking up, Sergeant.
Absolutely. Don't wait until you are drunk to pick your date - bad decisions are made. And don't wait until the other person is drunk to make your move - that's called rape and that is very, VERY stupid. That is a level of stupidity I simply can't help you recover from. Who's next? SGT Jones, name something stupid....
I'll admit it isn't the most creative, but it at least wasn't another leader standing in front of the formation lecturing them.
Anyway... what are your best and worst?
What are some of the points you have heard? I am looking for the great (wow, good point! I'm glad you mentioned that!) the groan (really? *that* is what you think we need to be worried about?) and the giggle (ways of making the same old stuff at least mildly entertaining).
Toward the end of my career, I tended to give the same safety brief every weekend, unless there were specific concerns...
Don't do nothin' stupid.
If you're not sure, call me. I'll tell you it's stupid.
If it's stupid and you do it anyway, call me as soon as possible so we can mitigate the effects of your stupidity.
And then I would call out 3-6 Soldiers by name (depending on how much time we had to kill) and have them name things...
PFC Smith, what's something stupid?
Drinking and hooking up, Sergeant.
Absolutely. Don't wait until you are drunk to pick your date - bad decisions are made. And don't wait until the other person is drunk to make your move - that's called rape and that is very, VERY stupid. That is a level of stupidity I simply can't help you recover from. Who's next? SGT Jones, name something stupid....
I'll admit it isn't the most creative, but it at least wasn't another leader standing in front of the formation lecturing them.
Anyway... what are your best and worst?
Posted 1 y ago
Responses: 7
"If you end up in jail, establish dominance immediately" is probably the worst I've heard.
I tried to to keep mine simple when I was acting as the OPS SGM and had to run formations in lieu of the BN CSM: "DON'T DO DUMB!!! If there is even one notion in your head that thinks this is dumb, then it's dumb so DON'T DO IT. If, for whatever reason you ignore my advice and do dumb, don't do dumber and hide it. 1SG's, take charge."
I tried to to keep mine simple when I was acting as the OPS SGM and had to run formations in lieu of the BN CSM: "DON'T DO DUMB!!! If there is even one notion in your head that thinks this is dumb, then it's dumb so DON'T DO IT. If, for whatever reason you ignore my advice and do dumb, don't do dumber and hide it. 1SG's, take charge."
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When I was the Safety Committee Chairperson, I played this video right before the Fourth of July weekend.
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