Posted on Jan 3, 2024
SGT Barracks Manager
Currently overseas working with our HHC BN and would like to teach my guys a few things about their actual job before they get sent down to the line. I would like to get some different PowerPoints Primarily Combat Engineer related(MSD and NEW, BD8, ETC.). However scavenged the web and cant find anything updated. I will obviously be making my own, but would like to stock pile on other folks to try and cross reference so I can make sure I'm not missing anything and cover multiple learning styles with examples etc. Anything helps thankyou!
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Responses: 4
COL Randall C.
Your typical internet search isn't going to get through the CAC-enabled login screens to see the content available in ATTRS, USAES Blackboard, ALMS, MilSuite, etc.

In the spirit of "teach a man to fish", have you looked through the resources available from the Engineer School (USAES), especially the "Engineer School Knowledge Network"* or the content they put on MilSuite? I would start there and "let your fingers do the clicking".

If for some reason you're still having issues finding good information, then reach out to the POCs in the course information (on the USAES website). For example, clicking on the information for the Joint Engineer Operations Course (JEOC) opens a JEOC trifold* that gives the contact information for the JEOC administrator and course manager.

Finally, you can always enroll in the various courses and look at the online resources "behind the wall".
SGT Barracks Manager
SGT (Join to see)
10 mo
Very helpful sir I will look through these sources
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CSM William Everroad
SGT (Join to see), I would give them to you if I still had them, but I haven't lead doctrine based training in some years.

But my advice, based on my experience, is that it is better to start at 0 and work up from there. As COL Randall C. stated, start with doctrine and make sure you understand it and create your own. Because how someone else orients their information in slide format can mess with how you, as an instructor, learn your own teaching style and how to better effectively communicate as you make mistakes. Then rehearse the briefing with an SME to make sure you didn't miss anything and they can provide you with best practice, PEs, and tips.

Always remember, no matter the training, Give the information, get the hands on, then crawl, walk, and run at least 30 days before an evaluative exercise. This gives you more time to retrain Soldiers who are not performing to standard.

PowerPoint is the death of adaptation and growth, IMHO.
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SP6 Richard Kellar
OK, always keep your boots within an arms reach and sleep without underwear or get crotch rot. Keep you ammo next to your weapon on top of your boots under your pants. Never wonder if the guy is dead, be accurate. When in Rome plow everything flat
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