Posted on Nov 12, 2023
MSgt Retired
I've never asked this question, and I've never seen anyone else ask it, but I'm curious. What do you say when someone thanks you for your service?
My Military ID is right next to my driver's license and debit card in my wallet, so it's visible if I have to show my driver's license for something or if I'm taking my debit card out to use. Very often, someone who sees it will ask what branch I was in. Then they will thank me for my service. My usual answer is "Thank you for your support." But I'm curious about how others respond to that.
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Responses: 264
LTC Kevin B.
"Thank you. It was an honor to serve."
LTC David Merritt
LTC David Merritt
15 h
LTC's think alike. I always respond that it was my honor to serve. If I get the impression they are giving it as a backhanded compliment, I'll add that it is an honor too few people understand these days.
1stSgt George E Corwin
1stSgt George E Corwin
15 h
LTC David Merritt - So true, Col, few people understand"!
Sgt Michael Clifford
Sgt Michael Clifford
15 h
Thank you, it was my priviledge.
SPC Timothy Smith
SPC Timothy Smith
13 h
My response most of the time is, You are very welcome, thanks for your support. Lots of time no matter if they were Veterans or not, we will get into a deeper conversation. I for the most part enjoyed my eight years in the Army.
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SGM Bill Frazer
Thank you, I was my privilege to serve!
Maj Robert Larkowski
Maj Robert Larkowski
4 mo
Thanks for your support!
Amn Roger Omberg
Amn Roger Omberg
17 h
I always thot of my Dad, & my 3 brothers, when someone would say that to me, because I was the last of my family to enter the US Military. I normally reply, thank You for saying that, & I would do it again, if I could!
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CSM William Everroad
MSgt (Join to see) Thank you for your support.

Most of us do not serve for the "thank you for your service" aspect.

This country's treatment of veterans (and to some extent service members) has come a long way since WWII and Vietnam. But there will always be a mix of people who see service members as some random selection from the spectrum of "baby killing stooge of the military industrial complex to the unquestionable heroes of the republic. We all know Soldiers and Veterans who run that spectrum and earn the derision or praise.

At the end of the day, we aren't special. Veterans day used to be about remembering why the military exists and what is could prevent in the future and not a way to pat each other on the back. And much like Memorial Day, it has become diluted by commercialization. Discount hounds, "thank me for my service" types, and the civil military gap widening for every WTFArmy or reported sexual assault moment has lowered the perception of professionalism that used to accompany service.

So every time someone thanks me for my service, I thank them for their support, no matter how performative.
SrA Cecelia Eareckson
SrA Cecelia Eareckson
15 h
Gonna be civil. Why on earth would you lump sexual assault in with unspecified "WTFArmy" incidents? It's a very real problem, and getting worse. Recruitment of women is down, not incidentally. It can get complicated, and sometimes dubious claims make their way through the system. That does not excuse anyone from looking the other way. Nothing excuses you from dismissing the entire subject as simply a smudge on the Armed Forces' report card.
1stSgt George E Corwin
1stSgt George E Corwin
15 h
SrA Cecelia Eareckson - Spot on, SrAirman!
PO3 Robert Rasey
PO3 Robert Rasey
14 h
I just say "THANK YOU". If I feel they really mean it I say it with feeling and a smile.
SA Sacheen Weston
SA Sacheen Weston
10 h
PO3 Robert Rasey Me too, yet I always feel awkward. I was in during the early 90's and I was still getting nasty stares and comments. It's sad that most people are either oblivious or indifferent to the source of their freedoms. I do appreciate the recognition, though I didn't enlist for such an observation, or the freebies thrown at us on Veterans Day. Still though, I do love the 10 percent discounts at the hardware stores. Lol
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