Posted on Oct 22, 2023
How long does command sponsorship take to get accepted for Germany?
How long does command sponsorship take to get accepted for Germany? My husband turned in the paperwork a month ago and nothing yet. I am not on EFMP as I have no medical issues.
Edited >1 y ago
Posted >1 y ago
Responses: 2
Amanda Taylor, it could take as long as three months for an approval/denial to be issued which is why they always recommend it be initiated as soon as possible (assuming that the packet is accurate and complete).
From your message to me, your husband is already in country, so it should cut down on the processing time (still could take 4-6 weeks if all goes well).
I don't know if someone has explained all the steps AFTER Command Sponsorship is approved, but one of the 'long poles in the tent' on time is that you'll need to obtain a no-fee passport with a SOFA stamp. Generally, it was "4-6 weeks" to have a no-fee passport processed (the Department of State put out at the beginning of last year that it's now 6+ weeks) unless you pay to expedite it, and you can't apply for one until Command Sponsorship is approved.
One thing that you can start on now (if you don't have one) is a tourist passport. You can only use the no-fee passport for your travel entering Germany and not for personal travel (some people 'roll the dice', but if you come up 'snake eyes' because a border control agent reads the amendment page, they won't let you cross the border with it). If you plan on leaving Germany to visit other countries while overseas, you'll need a tourist passport. That can take up to 12 weeks normally - less if you pay to have it expedited.
* [login to see] /-1/-1/0/AER55-46.PDF
* DoDI 1315.18 (just for reference) -
From your message to me, your husband is already in country, so it should cut down on the processing time (still could take 4-6 weeks if all goes well).
I don't know if someone has explained all the steps AFTER Command Sponsorship is approved, but one of the 'long poles in the tent' on time is that you'll need to obtain a no-fee passport with a SOFA stamp. Generally, it was "4-6 weeks" to have a no-fee passport processed (the Department of State put out at the beginning of last year that it's now 6+ weeks) unless you pay to expedite it, and you can't apply for one until Command Sponsorship is approved.
One thing that you can start on now (if you don't have one) is a tourist passport. You can only use the no-fee passport for your travel entering Germany and not for personal travel (some people 'roll the dice', but if you come up 'snake eyes' because a border control agent reads the amendment page, they won't let you cross the border with it). If you plan on leaving Germany to visit other countries while overseas, you'll need a tourist passport. That can take up to 12 weeks normally - less if you pay to have it expedited.
* [login to see] /-1/-1/0/AER55-46.PDF
* DoDI 1315.18 (just for reference) -
COL Randall C.
Amanda Taylor - First his unit needs to generate the forms authorizing you for the no-fee passport (DD Form 1056) which is included with the application (you'll need to fill out your application at the State Department's website*).
As far as I know, you will have to submit it through a military acceptance agent because it goes through the new passport system they use (VPAS), but my advice is to get a definitive answer from the DoD Passport office* as they are the ones that process the no-fee passports for DoD.
* Online Passport Application -
* DoD Passport and Visa Office - [login to see] /0004 / [login to see]
As far as I know, you will have to submit it through a military acceptance agent because it goes through the new passport system they use (VPAS), but my advice is to get a definitive answer from the DoD Passport office* as they are the ones that process the no-fee passports for DoD.
* Online Passport Application -
* DoD Passport and Visa Office - [login to see] /0004 / [login to see]
Amanda Taylor
COL Randall C. - I have another question, lets say I wait till I get to his base to get the no fee passport would that be an option? Or they would not let me board without the no fee passport?
COL Randall C.
Amanda Taylor - That all depends on what Germany's country clearance requirements are and if you want to travel there as a 'sponsored family member' or a 'regular U.S. citizen'. Without a Special Issuance Passport (SIP), you're the later.
From DoD's Foreign Clearance Guide*, "Per DoDM O-1000.21, currently under revision, DoD civilian eligible family members on official travel are required to apply for the appropriate SIP, prior to departure from the point of origin".
So, if you want DoD to pick up your travel and sponsor your entry into the country, the regulation says you have to apply for a SIP prior to your travel. However, "After applying for an Official Passport and if it cannot be obtained prior to departure, use of a Regular (blue) Passport in lieu of the Official Passport is permissible for travel via MILAIR, contract and commercial air".
The big item for you is that a SOFA (Status of Forces Agreement) stamp is only placed in your SIP and not your regular passport (though if you apply for one and travel on your regular passport, there are steps to get the SOFA stamp added if you get your SIP after travel).
Again, call the number I gave you as they can give you the definitive answers.
* (enter 'Germany' at the top search)
From DoD's Foreign Clearance Guide*, "Per DoDM O-1000.21, currently under revision, DoD civilian eligible family members on official travel are required to apply for the appropriate SIP, prior to departure from the point of origin".
So, if you want DoD to pick up your travel and sponsor your entry into the country, the regulation says you have to apply for a SIP prior to your travel. However, "After applying for an Official Passport and if it cannot be obtained prior to departure, use of a Regular (blue) Passport in lieu of the Official Passport is permissible for travel via MILAIR, contract and commercial air".
The big item for you is that a SOFA (Status of Forces Agreement) stamp is only placed in your SIP and not your regular passport (though if you apply for one and travel on your regular passport, there are steps to get the SOFA stamp added if you get your SIP after travel).
Again, call the number I gave you as they can give you the definitive answers.
* (enter 'Germany' at the top search)
I believe before a family can be approved for Command Sponsorship, each family member must complete an EFMP Screening of their medical records to ensure that the new unit can support any of the family’s needs. I think that process can take up to 90 days. Also Command Sponsorship of dependents is not guaranteed. COL Randall C. can you help with this question.
MSgt (Join to see)
Amanda Taylor - I’ve tagged someone who is much more knowledgeable on Army questions.
Amanda Taylor
We have command sponsorship approved and all we need is my no-fee passport. I am aware I need to get it done at a military passport office but it is 5 hours away. Would my husband be able to get my no fee passport at his base in Germany or would I have to go to a base in the states?
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