Posted on Oct 13, 2023
CPT Signal Officer
I've been a signal company commander in the national guard for about a year. My brigade HQ is deploying and might move me over into the S6 shop starting in May for the mob. If I move in May, that will put me at 18 months in command. I've heard various timeframes like 12 months, 18 months, and 24 months is the minimum time needed for it to count as a KD position. Does anyone have a reg they can point me to on minimum KD company command time so I can try bargain a little if my command time is going to be cut short. Thanks in advance!
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Responses: 6
COL Randall C.
Edited >1 y ago
Two different discussions - "How long should I be in a specific KD position?" and "How much aggregate time should I have in KD positions as a Captain?".

Regarding specific positions, in most cases it is 12 months minimum. 18 months is generally recommended, and 24 months is the maximum (generally ... exceptions do occur).

For aggregate time in KD positions, generally it's 24 months total from all KD positions you've held. It can vary from branch to branch, but the 24 months applies in most cases.

For RC Captains ib the Signal Corps officers, the recommendation is that they serve 24 months in a KD position.

In your case, you'll need to serve at least six more months in another KD job such as the Battalion S6 or another company/detachment command to bring you in line with what your peers will have when they go before the promotion board.
* DA PAM 600-3 (Commissioned Officer Professional Development and Career Management) -
* Signal Corp update (8 AUG 22) -
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LTC Stewart Mason
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CPT (Join to see), 12 months is the minimum. You'll be fine with 18 months KD time as a company commander. That gives you two company command OERs for the O4 board to review. Moving onward from Co Cmd to the Brigade staff in support of a mobilization is also a good look for you that the board will see. Your manner of performance in command AND in your post KD jobs is the most important element that the board will notice.

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